
Iconic place for Wildlife.....below are some of my attempts.......
1) Frigade bird at Sunrise....hope I got name right....

2) Long billed Humming bird

3) Crab

4) Sea Lion

5) Lava Lizard

6) Sea Lion at sunset

7) Pelican

8) Maine Iquana

9) Flamingos

10) Spider

11) Newly hatched baby Iquana

12) Glapagos Yellow bird

13) Land Iguana

14) Giant Turtle

15) Forget its name.....shame....Antpidas or something...

16) Toucanette

17) Toucan

18) No idea.....

19) Ground Quail

20) Butterfly
1) Frigade bird at Sunrise....hope I got name right....

2) Long billed Humming bird

3) Crab

4) Sea Lion

5) Lava Lizard

6) Sea Lion at sunset

7) Pelican

8) Maine Iquana

9) Flamingos

10) Spider

11) Newly hatched baby Iquana

12) Glapagos Yellow bird

13) Land Iguana

14) Giant Turtle

15) Forget its name.....shame....Antpidas or something...

16) Toucanette

17) Toucan

18) No idea.....

19) Ground Quail

20) Butterfly

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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
Portfolio • Workshops • Facebook • Twitter NANPA member
How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"
Awesome! Not sure if you are travelling independently or with an outfitter. Best option is to be on some sort of cruise where they take you to multiple islands for the day and you return back to the ship in evening. All the wildlife is not same on all the islands, so more islands you can hit, more variety you can expect. I didn't get to see Albatross and the big Land Iquanas because the trip was not scheduled for those islands. They always require one to hire a local guide, or your outfitter would have one. Islands with small population are the best in terms of wildlife so some planning and research would pay off.
HALF the experience is under-water. Since I have never done under-water photography, and I did not want to risk my gear either as I didn't have all the necessary info to guarantee nothing bad would happen to it, I didn't get any pictures.
However, if you are prepared, then what you see below the surface is equally mind-blowing. There are NO predators or dangerous animals, no poisonous animals anywhere on any of the islands, so you are free to dive in!
Have fun and good luck!
I just returned from there a couple weeks ago, and I missed many of those birds you shot.
Were they on the islands, or a trip to the highlands of Ecuador?
Would love to see your pictures. I missed 2 birds that I went there for as I never got a chance to see them....the Albatross and the frigate bird that is ready to mate with its balloon all puffed up......I believe you are correct and couple of the birds above are from mainland but I am not sure which. I got many more bird pictures from the Islands but because of the distance, quality was not as good. Mainly Boobies and Hawks etc.
Dennis Kaczor Photography