Dss# 121

Keller3778Keller3778 Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
edited January 31, 2013 in The Dgrin Challenges
So I was thinking about this challenge and I read Mike Bishops comment in another thread and was inspired.

The theory here around centered in my mind shows the work that was done (the filled out papers on the left) and the work that is to be done the neatly stacked papers on the right. The writing is the Lyrics to Cats in the Cradle and I stopped in the middle of the song.

As far as the composition i used lightroom vignetting to round out the linear elements in the photo.

Please let me know what you think.


I kind of like this centered thought, if the weather clears and the snow is still here I was thinking of a wide shot of my daughter in a field trudging through the snow. Showing where she came from and where she needs to go type theme.


  • Mike BishopMike Bishop Registered Users Posts: 51 Big grins
    edited January 30, 2013
    When I opened this post, the first thing I did was look at the picture. I don't really feel this as "centered" but I instantly thought this was an incredible composition. The lack of symmetry kinda pulls it out of the "centered" theme in my opinion. I'm no expert on rule of third and my skill is limited to the basic, This image quickly pulls me around the image in a great way starting with the pen directing my eye to the upper left where the photo gets busy.

    Reading under the picture. I'm really digging the image in my head of your girl in the snow. I think that could be an excellent shot and it appears you have the ability to make it great. I would go with more of a panaramic shot with the girl moving horizontal with any verticle lines being strait such as trees, fence post or whatever happens to be in the background if anything. Nothing other than Snow, Sky, and subject makes for a very time proven photo as well. NH snow and hills, this should be in your favor.
  • Keller3778Keller3778 Registered Users Posts: 11 Big grins
    edited January 31, 2013
    Thanks for your thoughts. Unfortunately mother nature has another thought and it is currently 53 F and raining and I am watching snow disappear as we speak.
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