DSS 121- Shells on velvet

tinamarie52tinamarie52 Registered Users Posts: 954 Major grins
edited February 3, 2013 in The Dgrin Challenges

It's cold here, so I dug into my shell collection from the sunny, warm beach!

Tell me your choice or provide C&C.

(Sorry about the watermark. I turned it off, but it didn't go away. My entry will be unmarked.)








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If it's locked... find an open window.


  • KevXmanKevXman Registered Users Posts: 945 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2013
    I like the ones that don't break the edge of the frame (2, 3, and 4). Right now I'm liking 3 the most, but 2 has real possibilities. What I would like to see though is an extremely deep field of focus where every visible part of the shell is crystal clear. You will probably need to stop down your aperture as far as it will go which will probably mean a fairly long exposure time. So if you haven't already break out your tripod. This might also be a good subject to learn focus stacking on too. I think you have a good start with a good subject. Can't wait to see the finished piece. Good luck.
    ~ Kevin
    Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed.

    My Site, My Book
  • tinamarie52tinamarie52 Registered Users Posts: 954 Major grins
    edited February 2, 2013

    Thanks for the comments. I should learn more about focus stacking... oneof these days.

    Funny, but I worked hard to get a very shot DOF so that the edges would be blurred with just the center in focus! I guess everyone has a different eye.

    However, I like your suggestions and if I can put together an hour or two before Monday. I'll try them out.


    When you come to a door... walk through it.
    If it's locked... find an open window.
  • kentwallerkentwaller Registered Users Posts: 158 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2013
    I like 3 and 4 - very nice!
  • KevXmanKevXman Registered Users Posts: 945 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2013

    I didn't realize that you purposely went for a shallow DOF. But now that I know that, it has made me go back and look at them with a different mindset. I still prefer the ones that don't break the edge. They feel more artsy to me and that is what I strive for in my photography. Now I'm torn between 2, 3, or 4. I think any one of them can be a winner. If you don't get a chance to reshoot with a deep DOF don't sweat it. You've already done a get job with what you have. The reason that I was originally thinking deep DOF is because when I first saw these I had an image in my mind's eye of them printed at about 6-8 feet wide hanging in an art gallery with someone standing in front of it taking in every bump and crevase of the texture on the shell.

    After looking at them some more while typing all of this I still can't make up my mind. I'm thinking maybe 4, no, maybe 2. Or maybe 3. Wait wait wait. 4! Ok, I've decided. Definitely 4! But then again maybe number......... headscratch.gifne_nau.gifD

    Not sure that I have been of any help but good luck.

    — Kevin
    Enjoy today, tomorrow is not guaranteed.

    My Site, My Book
  • tinamarie52tinamarie52 Registered Users Posts: 954 Major grins
    edited February 3, 2013
    Kevin -- take a look at the new version with a greater depth of field. I like it for this shell. I'll stick with the fall-off for the moon snail shell. This is why this forum is so helpful. when you see your images through other people's eyes, it sometimes gives you a new perspective.

    Kent-- thanks for taking the time to look.

    When you come to a door... walk through it.
    If it's locked... find an open window.
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