The highway in the sky

More milky way from me
55s F3.5 with the Samyang 8mm Fisheye on D7000. ISO 4000 used.
55s F3.5 with the Samyang 8mm Fisheye on D7000. ISO 4000 used.

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X2, it is really great to have an idea of what exposure to start with.
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1. your location
IF you are near Equator, immediately after sunset, within an hour it gets very dark.
In northern and extreme north latitudes, it takes a while for the sky to turn dark
This shot was 3-4 hours after sunset, and normally at 32 degrees N, it gets dark within 2 hours after sunset
2. Your location
Yes, your location matters again, because milky way rises and falls. Sagittarius is the constellation you watch out for. This is the location of the galactic core. When its high, then its a good time to shoot.
In the month of october, this puts the ideal shooting time around midnight. I shot couple of hours before midnight because temp was inching towards -10, and at 4200mts altitude, its usually not a good idea to shiver like this.
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Thanks man! You rock!
Another thing. .To find out rise and set times, you can use something like google sky and watch out for Sagittarious
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