DSS 122 - A Moment Like This

Welcome to Round #122 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges.
This challenge is for all dgrin members.
It will run from Tuesday,February 5, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) on through Monday, February 18, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8).
The theme this round for your interpretation will be: A Moment Like This
What kind of moment can you capture that says WOW! This is wide open for interpretation. Whether it be a romantic, a sweet moment, a comedy caught in the act or an exciting action shot, show us your best! Contrived shot or candid, anything goes!
No editing restrictions!
Please note the change in this round's starting date. This is because of a late start but still gives everyone plenty of time to accomplish the task!
Your Judge:
1 round 72 Hour Public Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a SmugMug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page:
DSS #122 Entry Gallery
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your EXIF will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge RULES.
Please note that there has been a rules wording change, so be sure you have re- read the rules!
This challenge is for all dgrin members.
It will run from Tuesday,February 5, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) on through Monday, February 18, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8).
The theme this round for your interpretation will be: A Moment Like This
What kind of moment can you capture that says WOW! This is wide open for interpretation. Whether it be a romantic, a sweet moment, a comedy caught in the act or an exciting action shot, show us your best! Contrived shot or candid, anything goes!
No editing restrictions!
Please note the change in this round's starting date. This is because of a late start but still gives everyone plenty of time to accomplish the task!
Your Judge:
1 round 72 Hour Public Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a SmugMug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page:
DSS #122 Entry Gallery
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your EXIF will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge RULES.
Please note that there has been a rules wording change, so be sure you have re- read the rules!
I know what you mean, grandmaR. Best of luck working it out. I'm rooting for you.
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
I bet it'll be a winner, too!
Panasonic Lumix 10x DMC-TZ3 :photo
Leica Mega O.I.S./28mm WIDE :smile6
Accidental images can be very productive in capturing a moment in time.
Congrates on your coming baby and opportunities!
Instructions are at the top of the gallery page (DSS #122 Entry Gallery), including this:
How to upload:
•Note: Uploading your image requires you to login to this gallery with a specific user name and password. Therefore, if you are logged in on your own SmugMug account, you must first click on 'logout' at the bottom of this page.
•At the bottom of this page, click on 'login'.
•When prompted for an email/password, use "challenges" for both, and click on 'Log In'.
•You will be redirected to this page.
•Click on the 'Challenge Submissions' gallery to enter it.
•Click on '+Upload' button, near the top. Select 'To This Gallery'.
•When prompted for what uploader to use, we recommend the 'simple uploader. For help or problems with the uploader, please see this SmugMug help page.
•Drag your image to the Simple Uploader, and click on 'Upload'.
Does that help?
My SmugMug
Maybe it was in one of my past life, who knows.
Anyway my picture " splash around the world " is in the challenge .
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
My Blog | Q+ | Moderator, Lightroom Forums | My Amateur Smugmug Stuff | My Blurb book Rust and Whimsy. More Rust , FaceBook .
You are to upload from your computer. The DSS challenges are on a hosted smugmug site. You did fine!
FYI, I do not count spaces if they are there or not. I just want to see dgrin user name and a - and a title. It really doesn't matter about the spaces.
Your images seem to have been taken into an editing program that has stripped your EXIF info. Probably when you resized it or cropped the image. You can read up on how to do that at this link: http://www.dgrin.com/showpost.php?p=1363209&postcount=609
You will need to have the original image in a gallery somewhere that shows the exif. Like a smugmug account or other photo gallery hosts. Then follow the above link. Or you can take the original and enter it without cropping. Or you can take the original image back into whatever editing program you have and do not save to web size.
Thank you, I will follow the link and see if I can "fix" it. I brought it into LR as I usually do and did the cropping in there as well as some minor tweaking. I will bring the original raw file into PS and see it that resolves it.
Thank you also for responding so quickly!