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I know lots of people have many applications that interface with smugmug.
I'm also working on one. It's written in C# and is a Windows desktop application. I've been working on it as I've had time and will be a long time coming but here is a (rough) look at the album screen I'm working on.

It's got a ways to go.. but coming along.
Go Smugmug!
I'm also working on one. It's written in C# and is a Windows desktop application. I've been working on it as I've had time and will be a long time coming but here is a (rough) look at the album screen I'm working on.

It's got a ways to go.. but coming along.
Go Smugmug!
Also the modifying of album options looks great as I don't know a tool to do it without visiting the site!
Where do I sign up for a beta test??
Thanks for the hard work,
SmugMug Support Hero
I should be ready for beta in a couple of weeks. Once I get closer to a "version" product I'll put up a webpage for this application and will then ask for testers. When I do I'll repost here.
Thanks for the interest.
Yeah, speed heavily depends on how your connection to SM in such applications. Maybe you find parts where you can exchange more things at once (caching) instead of polling for every little detail separately. You could also try to keep things multithreaded so the user can do other things while the program gets some data. This could help keeping the user busy so he doesn't notice the waiting time.
Looking forward to it,
PS: If you need any help or just a second opinion on something in your pre-beta alpha phase, just drop me a note!
SmugMug Support Hero
I think I'm going to attemp the multi thread on the Upload portion. This way the user can Upload while doing other things. The only problem is "other things" will slow down due to the connection being used by the upload process.
If you have msn messenger my ID is
Concerning the upload. If you're planing to integrate an upload I would like it to have some sort of bandwith control. Even with the biggest connection the upload is always the bottleneck. I always have lots of stuff running parallel and I'm not the only one using the connection, so I would like to have some control over my upstream.
This should also improve the responsiveness when using multiple threads.
I already request a bandwith control in Nik's (
SmugMug Support Hero
Forgot to write this before: Have a look to your left at the 3 icons under my post-count. MSN is the one I don't have. Tried it once, but somehow I couldn't get it to work.
PS: I'm running Win2000 here and hopefully will be for a long time being - as more and more software pops up requiring XP I just wanted to mention that.
SmugMug Support Hero
I would also be interested in knowing more about your plans for this app. Will it be filling a currently unmet need or is it more of a programming exercise?
How about a big red "pause" button thrown in ? In the event of a big load & you need some fast net access after you start it.
This is more of a programming exercise project for me. I've been programming for about 13 years but am new to the C# and .Net environment so I was looking for a nice project to learn with. What better to program to then something I like the most.
Thanks for all the suggestions. I hope to get a beta out to everyone soon.
Thansk for the suggestion.
Not to steall KC's thunder, but with the latest S*E (starting v.131) you can now get pretty extensive image info stored in your local access database. Exporting it from there (or just using it there:-) is a no brainer for anybody who ever dealt with access-like databases or excel-like spreadsheets.
I guess Sebastian already has some first-hand experience with this feature
Looking forward to see the first version!
SmugMug Support Hero
Hopefully soon!
All the best,
SmugMug Support Hero