iPad App
I thought with the new drops lately that the app would get better. I still have it crash when trying to save galleries.
Is there no way to just not download the file it's crashing on (or tell me what the problem is)? Instead I have to relaunch the app and try to hit cancel the download before it abruptly crashes again. Reinstalling the app is a poor answer as it means I have to download all the saved content again and it just crashes again anyway. Besides, this is on an updated app that was just installed today.
How about when a file is changed having the app show the changed file? Even on galleries that haven't been saved a changed file is not displayed with the changes but remains the original. Same thing with files that are deleted, they still show up in a non-saved gallery. Why?
PS. I'm due for renewal. It would be nice to know that this and the missing arrow buttons will be working soon.
Is there no way to just not download the file it's crashing on (or tell me what the problem is)? Instead I have to relaunch the app and try to hit cancel the download before it abruptly crashes again. Reinstalling the app is a poor answer as it means I have to download all the saved content again and it just crashes again anyway. Besides, this is on an updated app that was just installed today.
How about when a file is changed having the app show the changed file? Even on galleries that haven't been saved a changed file is not displayed with the changes but remains the original. Same thing with files that are deleted, they still show up in a non-saved gallery. Why?
PS. I'm due for renewal. It would be nice to know that this and the missing arrow buttons will be working soon.
Can you please tell me the exact steps your taking to recreate this error? And if possible, a link to the gallery in question? Please feel free to send the link to help@smugmug.com if you prefer to keep it off the forum.
Photo Blog
Can you verify that you have the latest version of the iPad app? We happened to release a new update on February 5th, the same day you submitted this issue. We also did an update back in December, so it's possible you may have downloaded the older update.
Also, in the December update, even though the download occurred, the updated app was not being installed. So a full deletion and installation may be necessary.
Photo Blog
Can you please let me know the photo you are referring to that is not being updated when you load the iPad app? You can just paste the link in your response here, or email it to mbonocore@smugmug.com if it is a private gallery.
Photo Blog
Sure, I created a test gallery, loaded a picture, saved it in the ipad app, used the replace command to put in a different picture, but the original picture is still showing in the ipad app, it has no way of knowing the picture was replaced.
The ipad app needs a way of keeping inventory so that when you synch the galleries only the new or changed pictures need to be downloaded and deleted pictures removed.
Having to download an entire gallery again just because you added one picture is very frustrating.