Can't sort galleries within category
I just created a gallery somewhat later than I usually do within a category I have already established. Is there a way to display galleries within a category, by date pictures are taken?
Galleries within a category seem to be listed with the most recent on top, within that category. I would like them to be sorted chronologically, regardless of when I actually create the gallery. Thanks.
Galleries within a category seem to be listed with the most recent on top, within that category. I would like them to be sorted chronologically, regardless of when I actually create the gallery. Thanks.
Yes, you can sort your galleries. By default, SmugMug sorts your galleries by most recent and displays recently added-to galleries first. You can sort them in a different order by clicking the Position link when viewing all of your galleries in a category.
You can find more information at
Please let me know if you have any questions!
Photo Blog
Thanks. The help page you link to is not the way the account settings page looks today though. Today's new style shows a Categories, and a Subcategories section, but I don't find somewhere that sorts the position of galleries.
In looking back at this again, it appears I only have this choice on my home page. My home page has catagories which appear to have the ability to resort, but within those categories is what I am trying to change. Thanks for your patience.
Same when I drill down into a subcategory:
I also found a category that contains both, subcategories and a gallery for which two separate arrange links show:
Of course, this is only a feature you as the logged in account owner or we as Heroes can see.
SmugMug Support Hero
I'm having the same issue. I can't see any link for arranging galleries in a category/subcategory. Here's a screen shot:
You are arranging by "most recent" so that is why you don't see the arrange button
On your homepage directly above and to the left of your categories it reads, " Sort categories by: most recent • position". Click on the Position link and now go back into your Trinity category and you will see the arrange by position link.
Support Hero
I do have to say, though, that this is completely counter-intuitive. First, why would a setting on the home page carry over to the rest of the site, and why would changing the setting for how "Categories" are arranged change how "Galleries" are arranged? This should probably be a menu choice somewhere in account settings, if it's a global setting. (And I say this with 20+ years of software engineering, product management, and marketing as my "day job").