Comment - Link only to a gallery

When we watch television shows, the crime takes place at the
beginning of the hour and the trial takes place by the end of the
hour. All neat and tidy. Not so in real life.
George Zimmerman shot Travon Martin in February, 2012. George,
who is claiming self-defense under Florida's "Stand Your Ground"
law, has not yet gone to trial and it's a year later. He's out on
bail, but under house arrest in an unknown location because of
the possibility of retribution by sympathizers of Martin.
Sam's photographs of "Channel 5 News Crew" brought this to my
mind. In this gallery:!i=1761812064&k=5zRQffV
I photographed the demonstrations and the press during the days
when Zimmerman was first indicted.
One thing I learned...a reporter's job is not as glamorous as you
might think. Most of their day is spent just sitting and waiting
for something to report on. One of the interviewers (seen outside
a barbershop and a church) that I followed went up and down the
streets of Sanford recording and filming sound bites. Some people
were delighted to be on camera, but it was a hostile crowd and
there were some near-violent refusals.
My only problem was a serious case of possession envy. I was out
there shooting with an entry level Nikon, and looking longingly at
thousands and thousands of dollars of better cameras and lenses.
beginning of the hour and the trial takes place by the end of the
hour. All neat and tidy. Not so in real life.
George Zimmerman shot Travon Martin in February, 2012. George,
who is claiming self-defense under Florida's "Stand Your Ground"
law, has not yet gone to trial and it's a year later. He's out on
bail, but under house arrest in an unknown location because of
the possibility of retribution by sympathizers of Martin.
Sam's photographs of "Channel 5 News Crew" brought this to my
mind. In this gallery:!i=1761812064&k=5zRQffV
I photographed the demonstrations and the press during the days
when Zimmerman was first indicted.
One thing I learned...a reporter's job is not as glamorous as you
might think. Most of their day is spent just sitting and waiting
for something to report on. One of the interviewers (seen outside
a barbershop and a church) that I followed went up and down the
streets of Sanford recording and filming sound bites. Some people
were delighted to be on camera, but it was a hostile crowd and
there were some near-violent refusals.
My only problem was a serious case of possession envy. I was out
there shooting with an entry level Nikon, and looking longingly at
thousands and thousands of dollars of better cameras and lenses.
Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida