Only Birds At Caw Caw today
OK, what was I trying to do: take a photo of a bird against a cloudy sky with a bit, a lot, of back light present. I raised the EV, a lot, some might object, but I like the result. At least it is a bird and I walked miles for this one. When he flew it took me totally by surprise, he flew the wrong way: backwards.
Below were the the residents at the other side of the place. They were sitting on a tree that I have heard a mythical, IMO, eagle likes for a perch.
I think I am going to "major" in turkey vultures. Here are two more for my collection.
Oh, same colorless sky with some grey blobs from trees, I got rid of them and went with a white background.
Comments, insults, lol, just kidding.........whatever, I love to hear from people when I post.
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
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I so much wanted to get the first bird in flight, I was lying on my backpack with my camera up. I never dreamed he would go backwards. So I let my guard down when he was looking around, not crouched or anything, he wasn't.
Now they are saying that I will see the eagle in January, but that is his tree! And the vultures had it.
I even think this is better then a flight shot the inclusion of the tree helps
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How many photographers does it take to change a light bulb? 50. One to change the bulb, and forty-nine to say, "I could have done that better!"