Stormy Death Valley

February is frequently a rainy month in the Desert..
Manley Beacon from Zabriski Point - the Panamint Range in the background getting a good rain

Manley Beacon 2 by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
Mushroom Rock while the rain drips off my nose..

Mushroom Rock, Death Valley by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
Telescope Peak in the snow and clouds... the weather was clearing on the way out...:dunno

Telescope Peak by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
Manley Beacon from Zabriski Point - the Panamint Range in the background getting a good rain

Manley Beacon 2 by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
Mushroom Rock while the rain drips off my nose..

Mushroom Rock, Death Valley by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
Telescope Peak in the snow and clouds... the weather was clearing on the way out...:dunno

Telescope Peak by LarryD Imagery, on Flickr
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One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
I went there to take some star pictures and also for a full moon get-together... The forcast was for clear skies..
It rained on me the two days I was there
Most of these shots were taken in a light rain except the last one.. The weather was clearing up as I was on my way out.....
Thanks guys - and everybody else...
I'll be out there tomorrow looking for some wildflowers............ right now it is overcast and threatening. I couldn't be so unlucky to have it rain twice in a row in Death Valley, of all places..
Nikon D600
Samyang 14mm f/2.8 | Nikkor 24mm f/2.8 | Nikkor 28-300mm f/3.5-5.6 | Nikkor 50mm f/1.8
Induro CT-014 Tripod | Photos on Facebook | 500px
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