Blank DVD with logo suggestions

I am looking for a company that will take my business logo and place it on blank DVD's so I can use them to copy my client's photos on them. Does anyone have any suggestions on what company to use?
I can put a client pic on the disk which they love. The personalisation goes a long way over just having YOUR logo.
The quality of the printed disks I get is fantastic.
Personally I would never bother sending them out to a company unless you are needing like 100 a week. I can set a template up in the printer software, drop the image I want to use in and hit a button and it's done. Too easy, cheap and Customisable for each client for me to send out.
I agree with Glort. That little something extra shows the customer you really care and go the extra mile to make a great product for them.
What inkjet printer do you recommend?
I have a swag of the things and I literally print thousands of prints with them and have done hundreds of disks as well.
I have had a couple of heads burn out but so far, not one printer itself has failed.
I just bought an epsom. ( see my rant in the ball portraits thread) but I have not tried printing a disk with it so I can't say what they are like in that application.
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
I do a group shot before the start of the game and put that on the DVD slick. I usually make up a graphic for the DVD itself because putting a group shot on the disk means someone's head is where the hole is and they miss out and trying to position a group shot don't look so good anyway.
The Guests are always amazed when they see the cover and realise it's the shot from that morning. I think that one thing alone gets me a lot of interest because I always get enquiry s about covering other events even before the Show is presented during the luncheon.
I like the Idea of putting the venue on the Disk, I could run some effects on the image and have it looking real funky!
Yes. Print your own, personalize it too!
The Epsom was easier to use/load the tray for DVd prints, but the Canon I bought has been trouble free. The Epsom began spitting-ink on my disc's rather early in my ownership and nothing I did quelled it's mess.
I don't give many dvd's with my orders since I charge a premium for my digital files and the smaller orders get emailed, or uploaded to a cloud. But I do have a lightscribe that I can use and make custom labels for people. I can already see the reaction to people saying lightscribe? that's so out of date.
It would be nice to get a printer that can print right onto a dvd but I don't have much luck with home printers.
WHCC can do them for you and create custom cd holders, I almost ordered one when they were on sale last week, but I couldn't justify $30 on a cd case *thats after a winter sale discount*. Their cd/dvd's are something like $8 on their own, $4 or something with the order of a case, and $2 on their sales with a case. My luck I would get a coaster.
Virtually every home printer will do that for you - in fact it is odd if they can't.
I have used a Canon ip4700 for a few years now and printed 100's of CD/DVD
I just buy spindles of "white inkjet printable" disks
Add photos/text/effects to disk writing file (I use a program called Acoustica, but the printer usually comes with a disc writer program) ... and then print directly to the disk surface to create a personalised keepsake.
Every printer ive seen for the most part feed the paper through the bottom and it wraps around and comes out where it came in. A dvd or cd would get stuck or crack in that wrapping process.
there are blank labels but they never print exactly centered.
The Epson R200 line of printers has a special tray for printing CD/DVDs and a special feed path specifically for that purpose.
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You must not have looked at many printers in the last 5-10 years!
I think there is only one canon that has the paper feed on the same path. All the rest feed from the back and come out the front.
In any case they come with a tray that fits in a special slot in the front of the machine. The tray gets pulled in, the disk printed and comes back out of the same slot. It's a forward and back action just like a CD Drive in a computer.
Might be time to get a bit more up to date with modern technology!
They have been doing this for a LONG time now.
Thinking about it, I can't actually remember having a problem or failure with the printing of a single disk and I have done literally thousands of them now.
I have 6 of the 4700's and they are a great machine. I'm sure the later 4900's are EXACTLY the same machine only with a bit f different trim on the lid and a different chipset on the cartridges. The cartridges themselves are interchangeable.
I do the same thing with the disk spindles. I have bought boxes of them ( 20 spindles I think) at a time and printed the great majority of them.