
An ordinary picture of an ordinary guy.
If he worked for the City of New York, he would be in a union with decent pay, security, good vacation & sick leave.

However, he works in Delhi, India. He is an untouchable of a caste system alive and well in India.
He is born into it and has no upward economic mobility. His jobs, limited by the society to clean and do menial tasks. He can run a crematorium and become economically middle class, but will always be discriminated against; as in not being able to eat where he wants and some not willing to use dishware he has used.
Sound familiar?
Personally, I associate with them, since I picked up garbage for the Parks Department as a kid. Here are some more (all untouchables).

If he worked for the City of New York, he would be in a union with decent pay, security, good vacation & sick leave.

However, he works in Delhi, India. He is an untouchable of a caste system alive and well in India.
He is born into it and has no upward economic mobility. His jobs, limited by the society to clean and do menial tasks. He can run a crematorium and become economically middle class, but will always be discriminated against; as in not being able to eat where he wants and some not willing to use dishware he has used.
Sound familiar?
Personally, I associate with them, since I picked up garbage for the Parks Department as a kid. Here are some more (all untouchables).


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I agree that #2 is a very well composed, effective image.... technically spot on in so many ways. That said, there's just something about the light and contextual atmosphere of #1 that keeps me looking.
Check out billseye photos on SmugMug
Yes indeed.
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