Blog/template recommendation?
Registered Users Posts: 33 Big grins
As I am trying to build my homepage with smugmug and will link to a blog, I wonder which one I should use? Currently I have a portfoliositez blog site but once I cancel my contract with them I won't have access to that blog anymore and will need to create one. As I'll be paying for a portfolio acct with smugmug I don't want to pay a yearly fee for a blog too. Its just more than I can afford right now. I do need my blog to be customizable so I can match up my headers and look of the blog and smugmug home page. Which wordpress is free (or is it anymore), which template do you recommend...or is there another site you recommend? I don't mind paying a bit for a blog template, I just don't want a yrly fee. Any recommendations? Thx for any help.
There's a thread that tells you how to match your (blogger specific) Blog to your SMugMug site. Blogger does have free blog sites.
The tutorial thread is here:
It appears Wordpress does have a free option, as well. It's really up to you to decide which blog site you want to use. You can go here to see more:
I hope that helps!
Smugmug Support Hero
"Being a photographer is not about taking a photograph, it is about being curious about life."
~ Jared Platt
If a blog is important for your business model, best to not wait on SM for it.