Bay Bridge, San Fransisco
I wasn't thrilled with this shot when I took but I think it turned out pretty well as a black and white since there is a major lack of color looking east over the bay. Let me know what you think.
Ron Pate
I thought about it, but the horizon is level and the first two towers look like they are leaning towards each other. I think I would have to manipulate them in Photoshop to get them straight. You have any other ideas? I'm willing to try whatever.
Yes. I use a combination of Edit/Transform/Distort and ... Edit/Transform/Warp.
Keep your original nearby to compare. Wide angle lenses tend to distort virtical lines, with photoshop you can correct an amazing amount of this.
Thanks a lot for the idea!
Still pretty new but learning fast. I finally had some time so I actually redid the entire photo. When blown up the original had a ton of noise.
What do you think of this one?
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