New 0zzie style lightning rod
If anyone even starts to think that im just laying in wait to get a full strike onto the bridge & sell it to the highest news/TV station bidder to fund my 600mm f/4...
...then your absolutely right.
One mans BBQ is another mans lens.

...then your absolutely right.
One mans BBQ is another mans lens.

Ohhhhhh they are brave soles being up there with all that electricity flashing about ..........great captures on your part Gus........excellent even.
Sooooooooo all those little people at the top will light up like a christmas tree and fall like stars into water below when the Bolt gets them??
Hmmmmmmmmmmm I don't think I wanna be up there during a lighting storm
Well good luck with the dream Gus, ..... it will help kill time
Skippy (Australia)
Skippy (Australia) - Moderator of "HOLY MACRO" and "OTHER COOL SHOTS"
:skippy Everyone has the right to be stupid, but some people just abuse the privilege :dgrin
Remembering also that a bridge has an excellent earth so basically as long as you are out of its path to couldnt care less about you.
This is the worry with people approaching downed wires in a storm. They assume they can walk up to them & be safe at several feet away to just have a look. Say the wire on the ground is HV at 6600 ...this voltage will diminish in an outward patterned circle so say the wire is 6600v on the ground & still live...2 feet away is now charged at 4000v...4 feet away is 2000v & 6 feet away is 500v. As you walk towards it your feet separate & thus each foot is at a different potential ie 1000 volts for the left & as the right foot is placed closer to the wire its then at 2000 volts & thus 1000 can flow between your feet. This can be for ANY overhead wire as even though it may be low voltage 110volts or telephone/pay tv...300 yards away after a storm it could well have high voltage wires wrapped around it & still live...not common but possible.
We lost 3 people here on this very subject a few years ago. A young boy was killed as he got to the wire..his mother ran in & died & then a neighbour ran in & died also. I have also heard of several deaths in a local fresh water lake from the same ran in & died one at a time & then the father ran in also.