Google Search: Results for Custom Domain AND

I'm new to self-promotion and search result optimization (if that's what it's called) so I'm glad that my custom domain ( or "indefinite objects photography") showed up the first time I thought to Google it.
However, my smugmug domain name ( ALSO shows up one to two results below. Is there an explanation for why this is happening and is there a way to prevent that domain name from appearing in searches?
If there's not a way to prevent it from appearing in searches, are there settings to keep it from the first pages of results?
However, my smugmug domain name ( ALSO shows up one to two results below. Is there an explanation for why this is happening and is there a way to prevent that domain name from appearing in searches?
If there's not a way to prevent it from appearing in searches, are there settings to keep it from the first pages of results?
indefinite objects
anything can be amazing
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My understanding was that when the custom domain is enabled it would supersede the site for the search engines (though that can take a while to happen).
Another possibility is that those pages are linked from other sites using the
When did you apply the custom domain? (I'd also suggest adding Google's Webmaster Tools)
Smugmug Support Hero
Spence Photography - fine art portraiture in central Scotland
Pavilion Photographic Studio - tuition - workshops - studio hire - model days in central Scotland
First: Please tell me your first name is Jayne...
Second: Thanks for the info. I'll recheck the fora to see if there are suggestions
--sent from mobile
anything can be amazing
I applied the custom domain maybe a month ago, but I did remove and re-add it temporarily while troubleshooting a feed issue (which I'm still troubleshooting)
Are Google's webmaster tools different from Google Analytics? What do you mean when you say that the sites are linked?
--sent from mobile
anything can be amazing
Google's Webmaster Tools ( work in conjunction with Analytics. You can see how your site is indexed and searched - it also lets you submit a site map, etc.
By linked, I mean that there is a site out there using a link to your address. The search engines crawl the other page, find that link, follow it and index your page (with the URL).
I thought we'd resolved the feeds issue? (or am I just slow to follow-up here?)
Smugmug Support Hero
Spence Photography - fine art portraiture in central Scotland
Pavilion Photographic Studio - tuition - workshops - studio hire - model days in central Scotland
You're slow...but then again I'm slow too. The feeds issue was resolved, much to my relief, and I believe I got an answer to the question in this thread to boot (I've added the ForceDomain=true parameter to my feed)
anything can be amazing
Searchengines see two completely different sites with the exact same content. All things being equal, SE will index these sites randomly. To avoid this, there should be ONLY ONE site - either a subdomain, or domain. As it is implemented in such services like Tumblr, Blogger, etc.
Unfortunately, the only service that does not want to understand this primitive thing - is SmugMug.