My Photos don't appear in Smugmug Search

Backcountry JourneysBackcountry Journeys Registered Users Posts: 1 Beginner grinner
edited March 27, 2013 in SmugMug Support
Hi all,

New to this thread but I've been using Smugmug for almost a year now on a Professional Subcribtion. I run my photography website on my own domain and in conjunction with a blogger blog. You can see it here:

I'm having an issue which the Smugmug Support Heroes don't seem to be able to answer so mabye some of you have come across this.

My photos appear in google search but not at all in Smugmug's own search feature - i.e the community is not able to see or rate my images. If you do a search for any of my captions or keywords my Profile & Galleries show up but not my photos.

Any ideas out there? These keywords & captions have been up for several months...

My main Portfolio is here:!i=2294507440&k=zN38stS

Thanks again!


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