A swamp at sunrise (and a marital dispute)

I grabbed a few sunrise shots of a local marsh on Sunday. It was pretty crazy the sky went this wonderful red/purple for about 5 minutes and then right back to winter grey -- makes waking up early on a Sunday morning worth it.
I prefer the first image, but my wife is arguing the second is better. What do you think?

HDR Version
I prefer the first image, but my wife is arguing the second is better. What do you think?

HDR Version

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If I post it, please tell me how to make it better. My fragile ego can take it.
I do like the detail in the sky and clouds in the second, but I don't care for the halo effect that the HDR produces. I am seeing this halo around the rails in the upper right side of the image. Granted, this HDR is much more realistic than many others I have seen.
nice image.
So unless your wife is a famous landscape photographer I vote for the first image. ;-)