Just a water hen

My first walkabout with the new 5d Mkii & 70-200 f/4L lens, down on the nearby canal.
Only mallards there except for one moorhen which wouldn't come too close anyway, so I obviously had to crop this. The weak sun was out but it is still mighty cold out there. I had a t-shirt, shirt, fleece, scarf and gloves and a big winter overcoat on but even then I couldn't stop shivering, so I was surprised to have a degree of sharpness even!
Camera Maker: Canon
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Lens: EF70-200mm f/4L USM
Image Date: 2013-03-28 11:29:37 +0000
Focal Length: 200mm
Aperture: f/4.5
Exposure Time: 0.0050 s (1/200)
ISO equiv: 100
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: shutter priority (semi-auto)
White Balance: Auto
Flash Fired: No (enforced)
Orientation: Normal
Color Space: sRGB
GPS Coordinate: undefined, undefined
Photographer: Photographer: Paul Iddon
Copyright: Copyright: Paul Iddon - A View of the UK

Only mallards there except for one moorhen which wouldn't come too close anyway, so I obviously had to crop this. The weak sun was out but it is still mighty cold out there. I had a t-shirt, shirt, fleece, scarf and gloves and a big winter overcoat on but even then I couldn't stop shivering, so I was surprised to have a degree of sharpness even!
Camera Maker: Canon
Camera Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Lens: EF70-200mm f/4L USM
Image Date: 2013-03-28 11:29:37 +0000
Focal Length: 200mm
Aperture: f/4.5
Exposure Time: 0.0050 s (1/200)
ISO equiv: 100
Exposure Bias: none
Metering Mode: Matrix
Exposure: shutter priority (semi-auto)
White Balance: Auto
Flash Fired: No (enforced)
Orientation: Normal
Color Space: sRGB
GPS Coordinate: undefined, undefined
Photographer: Photographer: Paul Iddon
Copyright: Copyright: Paul Iddon - A View of the UK

Well, as a newly joined member of the local 'madness' club* I find the implied derogatory tone associated with mallards truly despicable and totally unwarranted ...
Under other circumstances I would feel your discomfort re trying to get a decent shot in the weather we've been getting recently (esp. wind) ... but not after the above - sorry.
If you find my tone objectionable, it's because the local B'nQ were shut for staff training (again) - so's I couldn't purchase a crowbar to extricate tongue from inner mouth cavity ...
Above aside, canals are a right pita since it's generally not easy to get lower level shots ... unless you're *really* keen ... and well equipped / prepared.
Whilst it's possible to get decent shots - of some more common waterfowl subjects using gear similar to yours, I've found that controlling the bg a big challenge because of the wide(r) fov compared with longer lenses - especially in less than forgiving environments.
Main thing I'd suggest (as you'd expect) is to try to find places where you can get closer to water level, with decent bg control potential - a pity you're not nearer.
Interesting exif btw, re exposure triangle + non IS lens.
*mallards are ducks needing extra special skills
As for my triangle, I set the camera in Tv mode with the ISO on auto, so it chose that ISO & the aperture accordingly. I probably would rarely have a great triangle myself - even at school I hated math... :ivar
I have no transport to get me anywhere other than the local canal, so it's case of making do with what is available for me. For now at least, anyway.
In the summer, when I do my macro photo's, I am often found horizontal - so much so that there have been photo's of me prone posted around the web by fellow togs that have accompanied me. But I do choose, in winter, not to get that near to the ground, especially with a biting wind threatening to shoot up the inside of my jeans...
And as for mallards, I have no qualms about photographing them, and today, i was looking for any subject, and it ended up being the moorhen that got picked this time. Indeed, mallards are very good looking ducks and can pose wonderfully well, but today I didn't point the lens in their direction.
I will one day again I'm sure.
You'll be able to see the reason for the crop if you see the full image.
The light was naff bouncing off the water, and the reflection of the moorhen's neck and head even worse, so that's why the edit was closer in...
** I need extra special skills to develop...
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Re transport ... dunno your circumstances, but I use a bike for all my trips ... have done about 1100ml in last yr ... with typical round trips being 6 > 8 ml, depending on exact destination. Ideal means of transport imo, esp. when lugging junk around
Such light as you had is somewhat different ball game from lower pov ... I take roll mats to kneel / grovel on in the winter, btw.
To be honest as well, using a bike to go anywhere is more than I am likely to do. I may be 51, but my job tires me enough 5 days a week to stop me from being enthusiastic enough to pedal goodness knows where! (I know, sounds defeatist, but I'm probably not fit enough to make it something I would do, especially when carrying gear)...
I did have a couple of bin bags in my backpack, but I didn't really even consider getting flat to the ground, and I would still have been a good foot higher than the water, which I appreciate would still have improved the POV.
Nice set of photos you have on your own website too fella.
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk
Link to my personal website: http://www.pauliddon.co.uk