Two new rescues
I visited a Riverside County, CA shelter to pick up a Maltese for our American Maltese Rescue and I was handed a pretty ratty looking dog that turned out, after he was cleaned up to be a cute terrier of some type. He kissed me when I picked him up at the shelter so I couldn't send him back to his cage, even though I realized he wasn't a Maltese. I guess that American Maltese Rescue will be finding a home for Rudy the Terrier who is really a great little dog...

Chelsea is a young Maltese-Poodle (Maltipoo) who is also a sweetheart and very smart. She gets her long legs from her poodle genes...

Chelsea is a young Maltese-Poodle (Maltipoo) who is also a sweetheart and very smart. She gets her long legs from her poodle genes...

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