A Windmill

A capture with an IR400D new to me. But then a lot is new to me
Nothing strange there :wink
Your feed back would be nice. Thanks.

Your feed back would be nice. Thanks.

I like the shot, Windmills have always intrigued me.
Not sure if it's my eyes, or do I see some banding in the sky? Otherwise, cool shot.
Yes, I hear you. Windmills are pretty special sights in a contributing layout. Its sweet to come across a nice one and bring an image home. I am glad the pic is working for you
Adding IR to the line up can certainly be pricey. Kept me away for quite a spell even though I have multiple filters for lenses and of course whatever software creates IRs by its means. Not a good experience there. I feel fortunate getting this 400D for under 3 and has proved to be a well working camera. With the experience of not being happy, all that much, with my handcrafting conversions to B&W, conversions with the IR perfectly simple in comparison. Very few adjustments have led me to get into a fairly credable B&W quickly. I am like amazed at that and will be working B&W frequently again. Been awhile.
So, I'd say if you like BW and the general other false colors look only every now and again then maybe you don't get one. But if you have a bit of a passion, then IR will scratch that itch. Has for me and I've only gotten my feet wet. So I am excited about the works that may come.
The banding is jpg compression. It is not present in the original. That said I wonder how much that banding speaks to the areas effected by software changes to the image. Things we don't see other than the benificial attributes of methods until we go to extremes and see where destructive processing maybe taking place. Or, something like that :-)