Whisper in her ear
I'm new to smugmug and would appreciate any comments/reviews
Here is one of my Wildlife images:
Thank you.
I'm new to smugmug and would appreciate any comments/reviews

Here is one of my Wildlife images:
Thank you.
Ran Ofek Photography
Best, Pam
Thank you Pam and J..
Here is my second attempt
I'd appreciate any comments/remarks on my pictures and my site
thank you,
Great colour contrast between lioness and vegetation. The carpet of textured plants really adds an unusual backdrop to the image.
My only concern is that the lioness is uncomfortably close to the edge of the frame - it certainly leaves a lot of room for it to look through but I would love to see a version where it had more room behind and above her. I think this would anchor her in the image as the main focus rather than the sense of "intruder" poking into the corner of the image.
This is an image I could see framed as a large print and as part of a series about the quiet intimacy of the lioness.
I'm not trying to flame the thread ... and I understand that no watermarks in the middle is the usual point of view in forums, but ......
your watermark is so subtle that, in some cases you can hardly see it. In my mind, photographers are good at "seeing" and being able to see an image amongst the chaos of life. For me, photographers could easily look past your watermark and see the image below. But that's just my opinion. You have obviously decided to watermark your photos for a reason so do that and post "clean" images for critiquing.
If you are going to watermark though, I think you need a light accent to it as well - so that it will be visible on both dark and light backgrounds.
People sensitive about watermarking would probably "turn their toes up" if they looked at mine
definitely "in-your-face" ... but I have made a very conscious decision to do it that way for a reason. Other photographers will have a different agenda and I respect their decisions to do what works for them.
Thank you SO much for your remarks, Ace!
This image is not croped, but I will think about that the next time I compose my wildlife shots
P.S - I'm afraid that people would "steal" my images from forums that I agree with you about the watermarking.. and if you notice very carefully it is even hidden in this one
P.P.S - I LOVE your site! (and I see your point about photographers "ignoring" the watermarks..
thanks again.