Welcome to Round #126 of the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenges

This challenge is for all dgrin members.
It will run from Monday, April 1, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) on through Monday, April 15, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8).
The theme this round for your interpretation will be: Frozen In Motion With Blur
The object here is to slow your camera speed down and speed up the action of your subject! No post processing motion filters should be added please! I will not say this is straight from the camera, as you may adjust small tweeks such as contrast, brightness and color, but please just keep your post editing to that. Its very easy to tell if someone added a filter after the fact.
Also, see if you can have some of the image sharp, yet indicate it in motion with some blur. Here are 2 examples:
Editing restrictions listed above!
Your Judge:
1 round 72 Hour Public Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a SmugMug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page:
DSS 126 Gallery
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your EXIF will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge RULES.
It will run from Monday, April 1, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8) on through Monday, April 15, 2013 8:00pm PST time (GMT -8).
The theme this round for your interpretation will be: Frozen In Motion With Blur
The object here is to slow your camera speed down and speed up the action of your subject! No post processing motion filters should be added please! I will not say this is straight from the camera, as you may adjust small tweeks such as contrast, brightness and color, but please just keep your post editing to that. Its very easy to tell if someone added a filter after the fact.
Also, see if you can have some of the image sharp, yet indicate it in motion with some blur. Here are 2 examples:


Editing restrictions listed above!
Your Judge:
1 round 72 Hour Public Vote.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Your entry is to be submitted directly into a SmugMug gallery. It's pretty simple, just go to the gallery link below, and follow the upload instructions at the top of the page:
DSS 126 Gallery
Remember, the basics stay the same: 1 entry per person, and the photo must be fresh, taken during this contest period. Do not use a minimal save method (such as "save for web"), and your EXIF will be embedded in your image, no worries!
To avoid disqualification, read, in full, the Dgrin Sharp Shooters Challenge RULES.
I am thinking on two lines here. I can go for an in car shot like this
I can go for a panning shot on a track, something like this
Or something like this!?
Gotta work on my panning
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Renee Marie
Still thinking...
'I was older then, I'm younger than that now' ....
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Joyce reminded me that I should share this with the everyone here. Since the challenge this time around is " Frozen In Motion With Blur", here is an example of something that would work that was shot one day too early to qualify even if I could enter it.
What an amazing shot sherstone! I love it. So intense.
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