Hi Eric, I've been looking at this and it's not working for me. Let me see if I can pinpoint why. The table with the dolls and the rug in the back make that section too busy. Even though it looks that the guy in the truck has an interesting face and expression, he is too far away to be seen. I do like the processing and contrast.
Hi Eric, I've been looking at this and it's not working for me. Let me see if I can pinpoint why. The table with the dolls and the rug in the back make that section too busy. Even though it looks that the guy in the truck has an interesting face and expression, he is too far away to be seen. I do like the processing and contrast.
Yeah, not an esthetic scene, but the disarray and the man and friend still inside the vehicle are not typical of Flea Market vendors - caught my eye and I wanted to present his whole "space".
Thanks for the feedback Cristóbal, always appreciated!
I like it for the exact same reasons you do. I especially like the dog & truck. Loads of details are often interesting.
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black mambaRegistered UsersPosts: 8,327Major grins
edited April 5, 2013
Yo Eric,
I'm going with your line of thinking on this one. Very seldom, in my personal experiences of shooting scenes like this, do you have the luxury of placing elements where their optimum impact may be. You wanted this scene as it is ( I would as well ) and you made do with what you had. Very well, I might add. The PP work is really good.
I've got a feeling that the boys in the truck hope to sell at least enough to buy gas so they can get home.
I always wanted to lie naked on a bearskin rug in front of a fireplace. Cracker Barrel didn't take kindly to it.
I'm going with your line of thinking on this one. Very seldom, in my personal experiences of shooting scenes like this, do you have the luxury of placing elements where their optimum impact may be. You wanted this scene as it is ( I would as well ) and you made do with what you had. Very well, I might add. The PP work is really good.
I've got a feeling that the boys in the truck hope to sell at least enough to buy gas so they can get home.
Hey Tom,
Thanks for the look and C&C - glad it holds some interest for you - I'm aware that the subject matter can make it a go-either-way type of image for viewers. I sought and got his permission for the photo, and I thought he was a good sport, assuming he may have understood my desire to capture the pathos you noticed.
Yeah, not an esthetic scene, but the disarray and the man and friend still inside the vehicle are not typical of Flea Market vendors - caught my eye and I wanted to present his whole "space".
Thanks for the feedback Cristóbal, always appreciated!
I like it for the exact same reasons you do. I especially like the dog & truck. Loads of details are often interesting.
Website | Galleries | Utah PJs
I'm going with your line of thinking on this one. Very seldom, in my personal experiences of shooting scenes like this, do you have the luxury of placing elements where their optimum impact may be. You wanted this scene as it is ( I would as well ) and you made do with what you had. Very well, I might add. The PP work is really good.
I've got a feeling that the boys in the truck hope to sell at least enough to buy gas so they can get home.
Hey Tom,
Thanks for the look and C&C - glad it holds some interest for you - I'm aware that the subject matter can make it a go-either-way type of image for viewers. I sought and got his permission for the photo, and I thought he was a good sport, assuming he may have understood my desire to capture the pathos you noticed.