Boys and Their Toys

So, the Missus and I were down at the Bay the other day when this beauty caught my eye - I right-away thought - although it was as big as a Battleship - that it must be a private vessel. I took some shots, then we ducked into a dockside Bistro and asked the Barista what she knew about it. Well, she had the whole run-down - belongs to Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich... the Luna - Expedition Super Yacht... 115 meters, 400 million bucks, helipads, pool, spa, speedboats (stowed internally), yada-yada-yada. Yes, I was somewhat impressed
. Google revealed that this is his "little" one - the big one, the Eclipse ($1.5 billion), was moored in NYC. WaveRunners for scale....

Eric ~ Smugmug
filthy rich
I always say I want the chance to show that having a lot of money wouldn't change me.
I sincerely hope you get that chance... and then remember I was nice to you once.
Ah hem...(throat clearing sound) Cristóbal, please do not call this vessel a boat - it is a SUPER YACHT.
Also, do I detect a note of sarcasm here? You are thinking I don't have my own yacht? invitation for you...