Sandhill Cranes

So... I teach at a school in DeSoto County, FL, and we have a pair of sandhill cranes that frequent the school campus. They showed up with two babies on March 28.
These first few pics are from my point and shoot since I didn't have a decent camera along that day - zoomed in all the way and cropped. So not very good. But I am including them for size comparison so you can see how the babies have grown.

Brought the 70-200 to school with me every day for a week and a half, and finally two days ago they showed up again. Unfortunately, in my excitement (and lack of general camera knowledge - hubby is the photographer, not me) I forgot to check the ISO settings on the camera. So these aren't that great either.

Luckily, they came back today and I had my act together with the camera and got some great shots!

These first few pics are from my point and shoot since I didn't have a decent camera along that day - zoomed in all the way and cropped. So not very good. But I am including them for size comparison so you can see how the babies have grown.

Brought the 70-200 to school with me every day for a week and a half, and finally two days ago they showed up again. Unfortunately, in my excitement (and lack of general camera knowledge - hubby is the photographer, not me) I forgot to check the ISO settings on the camera. So these aren't that great either.

Luckily, they came back today and I had my act together with the camera and got some great shots!

Posts by Allyson, the wife/assistant...
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