
Upload System Error #5: Invalid Album???

DrMillerKCDrMillerKC Registered Users Posts: 24 Big grins
A new thread... I successfully uploaded an image using the provided code in another thread. But I tried a hundred times to upload other images, one at a time, using what I thought was identical code with AFNetworking (using a custom HTTPclient and a multipart form), it showed the progress of the upload (that took about 20s), and even finishes the upload with a successful response code but I get back:
{"stat":"fail","method":"smugmug.images.upload","code":5,"message":"system error"}
And when I check the Upload Log in SmugMug it says, "upload problem, invalid album". Well, it is the very same albumID that I can repeatedly use in the working code (not multipart form-data).

So, I'm at a lost whether the multipart AFNetworking stuff is the problem, or something on the SmugMug API end of things.

Any thoughts? Is there a way for SmugMug to provide more specific details about the error in their logs?

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