Question about keywords

Hello world!
My question is about keywords.
I created some public protected galleries in which my family or my friends can enter with a password. That feature is great but i still found a problem!
When i enter into these galleries as owner (with my login and my own password), i can see and use the keywords of my photos.
But when someone comes into theses galleries as visitor with the password that i gave him, the keywords of my photos are invisible! Could someone explain to me why and how to fix the problem?
I thank you in advance!
I beg your pardon for my language mistakes. I'm french and my english is not perfekt! :bow
My question is about keywords.
I created some public protected galleries in which my family or my friends can enter with a password. That feature is great but i still found a problem!
When i enter into these galleries as owner (with my login and my own password), i can see and use the keywords of my photos.
But when someone comes into theses galleries as visitor with the password that i gave him, the keywords of my photos are invisible! Could someone explain to me why and how to fix the problem?
I thank you in advance!
I beg your pardon for my language mistakes. I'm french and my english is not perfekt! :bow
This is my question to Smugmug.
Why can't the keyword cloud of passworded galleries be appended to the keyword list when a password
is entered? This is done when logging in. This would make many families very happy that don't want their
photos exposed to the public.
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