How do I Switch an image from a custom website that is not in a gallery?
THIS page is a png image and is not part of the gallery. how do i switch this with another png image. i uploaded the png to the same place this file is but i'm assuming that i have to copy and paste something somewhere.
It looks like you have this image posted via the gallery description field. You can edit that by clicking the "settings" button under your Investment gallery here:
(you will need to be logged in to see the settings button)
I hope this helps. If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask, we are always happy to help.
Best Regards,
SmugMug Support Hero
SmugMug Support Specialist -
Equine Photography in Maryland - Dressage, Eventing, Hunters, Jumpers
Thanks again.
with the direct photo link to the new photo.
You can get a direct photo link going to the photo and using the share button > get a link > photo links tab. While there's no original sized link, you can grab any link, like the X2 sized link and just change the X2 that's included two times in the link to O. So for example if the new link would be:
You'd change it to:
and replace the existing link in the gallery description.
Of course, if the size of the new photo differs, you would also need to update the width and height parameter after the link.
SmugMug Support Hero