HTML slideshow not working in HTML newletter
Registered Users Posts: 17 Big grins
Can someone help?
We are creating an HTML newsletter in Dreamweaver.
We are trying to embed a Smugmug slideshow with the automatic generated code.
The box where the slideshow should be says "initializing" and then nothing happens.
What are we doing wrong?
Can someone help?
We are creating an HTML newsletter in Dreamweaver.
We are trying to embed a Smugmug slideshow with the automatic generated code.
The box where the slideshow should be says "initializing" and then nothing happens.
What are we doing wrong?
Embed the code between the "[noparse] [/noparse]" tags.
<td width="250px">
<object classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000" name="ssidx" width="220" height="330" id="ssidx"><param name="movie" value="" /><param name="flashVars" value="AlbumID=29019766&AlbumKey=bc8D3m&transparent=true&bgColor=&borderThickness=&borderColor=&useInside=&endPoint=&" /><param name="allowNetworking" value="all" /><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always" /><embed src="" width="250" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" height="330" flashVars="AlbumID=29019766&AlbumKey=bc8D3m&transparent=true&bgColor=&borderThickness=&borderColor=&useInside=&endPoint=&" allowScriptAccess="always" allowNetworking="all" name="ssidx" ></embed></object>
Does this help?
Also make sure there are no line breaks in the code and spaces only where required.
Turn line wrapping off in text editor before copying out.
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