Uploaded photos and they are out of order - Is it because I'm on a trial basis?
There are sort options in your Gallery Settings.
When the photos are uploaded, they are added to the gallery in the way that they upload/process. While you may have them in order in the uploader, some photos can take a little while longer than others to process.
But to save you the hassle most of us have to learn the hard way, it's really helpful to re number the photos before uploading in the order that you want them, and use 0001, 0002, 0003 as the pattern. Otherwise, 70 will be placed before 8, etc, and no matter what boxes you check, the order will still be mixed up. This is not unique to Smugmug, almost all computer systems, as far as I know, sort photos this way.
There are sort options in your Gallery Settings.
When the photos are uploaded, they are added to the gallery in the way that they upload/process. While you may have them in order in the uploader, some photos can take a little while longer than others to process.
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