Fifty Shades of Gray . . .
I spent some time the past couple of weeks trying to capture birds-in-flight other than the egrets. All comments and suggestions welcome and appreciated! Best, Pam
1) Tricolored Heron getting ready to make an ill-advised landing on the Great Egrets platforms at Avery Island's Bird City:

2) He didn't receive a warm welcome at all, and seconds later several egrets chased him off.

3) Little Blue Heron flying over Bird City:

4) Another Little Blue Heron

5) Tricolored Heron sitting treetop at Bird City:

6) Tricolored Heron in flight:

7) Juvenile White Ibis flying over Bird City:

8) Juvenile White Ibis flock flying around Bird City:
1) Tricolored Heron getting ready to make an ill-advised landing on the Great Egrets platforms at Avery Island's Bird City:

2) He didn't receive a warm welcome at all, and seconds later several egrets chased him off.

3) Little Blue Heron flying over Bird City:

4) Another Little Blue Heron

5) Tricolored Heron sitting treetop at Bird City:

6) Tricolored Heron in flight:

7) Juvenile White Ibis flying over Bird City:

8) Juvenile White Ibis flock flying around Bird City:

Think I'd like to see #7, with some sort of textured, in colour harmony bg (rather than plain blue) + wings up, to see a bit of body ... so am not asking for much
Shots taken from the rear quarter rarely work (imo) as well as some sort of frontal angle.
I'm wary of bgs that render eyecatching contrasty blotches that intrude in some way ... like the dark areas in 1 ... even when really oof, they can be a right pita. I don't know whether your circumstances / environment allow you to suss out a bg that'll provide what you want (which may well be something different from what I'm after) ... and act as a canvas ... onto which you can try to place your subject.
This will of course be dependant on light / time of day / foliage state etc + likely subject activity.
Am personally a sucker for duller / softer /less contrasty light days ... with the gear you're using -such situations shouldn't be too big a problem?
All very much imo, of course.
5 looks very imperious, btw ... just the sort of look I get from mrs pp when I've not made 'er cuppa 'just right'
Dennis Kaczor Photography
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Three passions wildlife, golf and the STEELERS
Nikon D4, D300
Thanks very much, Keith! I liked your website. You obviously have mastered photographing a wide variety of subjects, too. Best, Pam
Thanks very much, Robert. All improvement in my photography is definitely due to the talented and generous people in this forum who have helped me. I see exactly what you mean about the noise and lowering the shutter and iso. What is I/Q, though?
Best, Pam
Thanks! Best, Pam