Announcing the top images for DSS #127 If I Could Catch a Rainbow

JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
edited May 7, 2013 in The Dgrin Challenges
Due to low entry numbers, please choose up to 5 images.

Choose up to your Top 5, you have multiple votes! You may vote for one or more up to 5.

The gallery is HERE for commenting.

You have the ability to choose up to 5 of your top choices by selecting them from the poll.

The poll will remain open for 72 hours, and any previously registered member of DGrin may vote.

Warning: you will not be able to come back and add more choices after you click the voting button.

There was 0 disqualifications this round! :clap

I did have to shorten a title. Please remember that long titles will not necessarily fit into the poll info!

P.S. If your observant you will see that more than 5 can be chosen. Just remember if you vote for all of them its like you didn't vote :wink *Also you are able to see any photo in its large form by clicking on it.

Choose up to your Top 5 114 votes

1. grandmaR - Pollyanna's Present
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2467971897&k=L66DKPS&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
4% 5 votes
2. GretaPics - A Place to Find Serenity
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2475896213&k=btxbJWf&lb=1&s=A][img][/img] [/url]
3% 4 votes
3. ShootingStar - Or I could build you a rainbow...
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2479744587&k=j4RNghL&lb=1&s=A][img] S.jpg[/img][/url]
7% 8 votes
4. richtersl - A friend that's always there
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2479819554&k=PkmGG7h&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
5% 6 votes
5. dc.roake - Toss Them in the Sea
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2480590088&k=jVNk9Xb&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
7% 9 votes
6. Johnloguk - A Friend that's Always There
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2481409907&k=XTNGcZp&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
2% 3 votes
7. shooshoo- If I could catch a rainbow, I would do it just for you...
[url= -If-ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2481953267&k=g5BrXtq&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
3% 4 votes
8. Earache - Furever Friends
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2482164925&k=38xDQwS&lb=1&s=A][img][/img] [/url]
3% 4 votes
9. rteest42--Big Brother- A Friend That Is Always
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2482245181&k=wsRLncw&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
6% 7 votes
10. torrbrae - A Place to be Alone
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2483047075&k=fDTkxMF&lb=1&s=A][img] fDTkxMF/0/S/C201304261014004PlacetobeAlone-S.jpg[/img][/url]
4% 5 votes
11. sarburn - A Friend for Life
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2483259137&k=vpkFSBs&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
2% 3 votes
12. WhatSheSaw - BFF
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2483778190&k=Cmd7ggQ&lb=1&s=A][img][/img] [/url]
2% 3 votes
13. kentwaller - serene valley
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2483856214&k=fRZFk8q&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
6% 7 votes
14. memol - A place you could call your very own
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2484610997&k=H9bmsHd&lb=1&s=A][img] [/img][/url]
11% 13 votes
15. Boylerian- Violet Bows
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2484755199&k=Sq6WwRZ&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
3% 4 votes
16. cambyses - And share with you its beauty
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2484811474&k=Bs22xCZ&lb=1&s=A][img] [/img][/url]
14% 17 votes
17. lkbart - Lost in a sea of troubles
[url= ICouldCatchaRainbow/28932183_z4248F#!i=2484881337&k=sf8jfHr&lb=1&s=A][img][/img][/url]
10% 12 votes


  • rteest42rteest42 Registered Users Posts: 540 Major grins
    edited April 30, 2013
    Whoops...that was me... and I probably could have fit THERE in if I hadn't left that extra space! And made it That's.....oh well!

    Lovely interpretations!
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited April 30, 2013
    rteest42 wrote: »
    Whoops...that was me... and I probably could have fit THERE in if I hadn't left that extra space! And made it That's.....oh well!

    Lovely interpretations!
    Actually, I hadn't realized that the 'there' was missing on yours. It was a newbie who had too long of a title. No worries though, the title isn't what makes an image better.
  • JAGJAG Super Moderators Posts: 9,088 moderator
    edited May 2, 2013
    Congratulations to cambyses for your top win!


    The top 3 images are;


    Awesome round everyone! clap.gif

    Congrates to all the top 3 and to those who participated and commented a big thank you!
  • CambysesCambyses Registered Users Posts: 141 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2013
    Sweet... I certainly did not expect that. Thank you all who voted for my entry, and congrats to Memol and lkbart...

    Guess I just got lucky as this round seemed a bit more quiet both in terms of the number of entries as well as the number of votes. Not sure why, perhaps because the theme provided a bit less guidance/direction, and was wide open to interpretation. But then again, that should have actually encouraged larger participation ne_nau.gif

    Anyway, thanks again for your votes... Onto the sunset challenge (or perhaps sunrise, though I am not an early morning person).

  • ShootingStarShootingStar Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2013
    Congrats to the winners!
    Thanks to those who voted for mine.

    Someone asked me what it was so here it is: in front the entrance of a factory I drove by the other day looking for ideas, I found a sculpture in the shape of a huge ball with all the panels. I was cloudy and it had been raining and the colors were beautiful. I just cropped to have only part of it.

    And as Richters suggested I tried it as desktop wallpaper for my iPad and it works great. Thanks for the idea!

    Congratulation again to the winners.

    Nature can be so different around the world but it is always amazing!

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  • lkbartlkbart Registered Users Posts: 1,912 Major grins
    edited May 3, 2013
    Congrats to cambyses & memol! Aren't you two married or something? mwink.gif Great job!

    & Thanks for the votes on mine! Was quite surprised at the outcome - I figured people wouldn't get my interpretation - methinks me mind is just not normal. nod.gif

    There were a number of nice shots that didn't get the votes I expected for them this round. There was a nice range of interpretations & a lot of good shots. I was also surprised by the lower participation, but I guess spring is here & the good weather busy-ness begins again.
    A photograph is an artistic expression of life, captured one moment at a time . . .
  • sapphire73sapphire73 Registered Users, Super Moderators Posts: 2,013 moderator
    edited May 5, 2013
    Congratulations to all the winners! We were in Korea and Japan during this challenge (without a computer) and it was fun to come back and see the results.
  • grandmaRgrandmaR Registered Users Posts: 2,356 Major grins
    edited May 6, 2013
    lkbart wrote: »
    Congrats to cambyses & memol! ... mwink.gif Great job!

    & Thanks for the votes on mine! Was quite surprised at the outcome - I figured people wouldn't get my interpretation - methinks me mind is just not normal. nod.gif


    I also want to offer congratulations, and thank people who voted for my photo. I was really happy that I had more than one vote this time.

    I have to say that I also had the suspicion that people would not get my interpretation. I have lived long enough to Know that my mind isn't normal nod.gif
    “" adventure is an inconvenience rightly considered." G.K. Chesterton”
  • WhatSheSawWhatSheSaw Registered Users Posts: 2,221 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2013
    Congrats to the winners! Well done.

    In spite of the small turnout, there were some interesting takes on the theme and some sterling shots.
  • MemolMemol Registered Users Posts: 115 Major grins
    edited May 7, 2013
    Thanks for the votes and Congratulations to Ikbart!
    I was so busy and only my husband told me about it. I guess I have a credit in his picture as that day I put the hat on our son's head and he was lucky as his brother in law came with us too and he had a similar hat mwink.gif
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