smugmug needs to meet accessibilty requirements

bernardpearsonbernardpearson Registered Users Posts: 31 Big grins
edited May 1, 2013 in SmugMug Support

I just want to ask is the smugmug team/developers making provisions so that the website meets ADA accessability requirements for video? I am an Australian and this also applied to our Government WCAG 2.0 accessability requirements, so any contract work I do for the Governement must meet accessability requirements. In particular will the video player be ugraded to allow subtiltle and caption files to be imported. As an example the YouTube player currently supports these options.
I would rather have our video content hosted on smugmug alongside the images, however as we need to meet the accessibility rerquirements we may need to forward from the smugmug site to a youtube channel.
Your feed back would be grately appreciated.

Bernard Pearson.


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