Options Missing?

I have uploaded a new sub category album, St Marys Island, all my other albums have all the option for Tools etc as on this gallery, http://dawnoconnor.smugmug.com/Kent-Landscape-Photographer/Kelsey-Park-Beckenham/Kelsey-Park-Misty-trees/29108389_Nk5Wzt#!i=2478045985&k=rvNGXkK with this new gallery they are missing for some reason, http://www.smugmug.com/gallery/29201049_MWNSVW#!i=2488103747&k=tGJwNJf what have I done differently?
What is missing in the second gallery is the custom banner, navbar and breadcrumb because you used Hide Owner. Hide owner changes your url to a SmugMug one, removes the breadcrumb so your visitors cannot return to your homepage and removes your customization. To change this, you just need to go the gallery and go to Tools > Gallery settings > Security and privacy section and toggle Hide owner to NO. That's all.
You can find more information about hide owner here:
If you continue to have problems with this, please email us directly at the help desk (help at smugmug.com).
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My website: anapogacar.smugmug.com
Wedding Portrait and Wall Art
These aren't the photos you're looking for.
Wedding Portrait and Wall Art
If you'd like to change your nickname back, you could do so in the account settings > me > profile section.
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Wedding Portrait and Wall Art
Wedding Portrait and Wall Art
Wedding Portrait and Wall Art