SmugDAV down? Bulk download?
this mourning SmugDAV was working but now its not... i tried deleting the folder and remaking the web folder and it says that the folder doesn't exist...
also when using it i have alot of files i need to download and I am wondering if there are any apps that handle the WEBDAV interfaces so that i can que everything i need and then hit download and if it gets disconnected i can resume it...? like a flashfxp or something?
is there a way to login to the accoutn via ftp?
i ahve alot of albums the the sdown .91 takes a long time... any suggestions?
also when using it i have alot of files i need to download and I am wondering if there are any apps that handle the WEBDAV interfaces so that i can que everything i need and then hit download and if it gets disconnected i can resume it...? like a flashfxp or something?
is there a way to login to the accoutn via ftp?
i ahve alot of albums the the sdown .91 takes a long time... any suggestions?
Not tomorrow, but hopefully before Xmas!
Just FYI: DAV is a server-side interface, so by definition *no* 3d party (client-side) apps can "handle" it.
Download is a separate issue, which can be implemented in many different ways. As I mentioned, S*E is gonna have it fairly soon, but don't hold your breath (and it's not gonna be DAV, either:-)