Q ref bubble wrap on trivets
Registered Users Posts: 88 Big grins
This isn't photography related, strictly, but does concern a product that is sold via SmugMug about which I have a Q -- the trivets via SM are great, popular and well done. But after a period, the bubblewrap enclosing them [from EZPrints, tho there's no place on its site to ask this Q] seems to end up leaving little round circles on the surface of the trivet if the wrap stays on it for a bit. I have tried Windex etc. to remove them without success --- any ideas of how to get the trivets back to their original 'unmarked' look? Any suggestions for other nondestructive solvent? Thanks.
Victoria L. Herring
Customized travel research and planning
Through the eyes of JourneyZing, Images that will Transport You.
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I've never tried this on a photo, but a little bit of WD-40 seems to work like magic on almost anything.
Edit: This is not an official recommendation and should be done with caution. Make sure to try it on a small section before using it on the full print. SmugMug does NOT recommend using WD-40 to clean prints but it may work in some cases.
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They are VERY faint -- I can attach a pic but it's not picking up the imperfection well enough - I do think the 40D idea is a pretty good idea...the actual packaging of the trivets is inside the bubblewrap with the bubbles outside, but this concerns a few which were repackaged with bubbles touching the surface = I'll try the 40D and report back....
Customized travel research and planning
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I cannot confirm nor deny if that works
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