Publish with LR-created watermark?

Is there a way to publish only one gallery from LR4, with a permanent watermark I've created in LR? My other SM galleries have the (temporary) SmugMug-created watermark, but this one I want to have a permanent watermark, as images will be available for download.
If I go into the settings for the SM plug-in, I see where I can select a LR-created watermark, but if that is checked, will it apply the watermark to my entire website? I only want it for one gallery.
If I go into the settings for the SM plug-in, I see where I can select a LR-created watermark, but if that is checked, will it apply the watermark to my entire website? I only want it for one gallery.
Have you thought about the Printmark option in SmugMug? You can offer digital downloads with or without printmarks.
Printmarks -
Digital Downloads -
Since I've already uploaded to the gallery, I will need to delete the images from the gallery and re-upload with the LR watermark selected. That should only affect that gallery, correct?
If the config change offers you the option to mark the whole publish service as needing updated just say no.
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