This one/that one, ginger

I like the second one, but wonder if the first one would be better for the challenge??? The first one might be a bit grainy, just from the amt of work I did on it. I can redo it, but my Adobe is locking up again, probably because of lack of hard drive space. I have another one on the way, and I hope that is the problem.
If you all think the first one, The Kiss, would be a better entry, I will do it over later.
ginger (a bit of time frees Adobe from locking)
After all is said and done, it is the sweet tea.
I think the second shot might also improve with a slightly different crop also. The bird is not dead center..but still a bit of excessive space around him/her IMO. I like the first shot the best. Might rework the PP of it. I did find your very first entry rather interesting. Do think this first image here is more appropriate for the challenge
"Osprey Whisperer"
I did not want to over work it. So since it is not as tight you probably won't like it as well.
On my first entry, and the other ones like it. I love them, think they are very appropriate for the challenge, but I do not get the same interest from them. I will put a couple back on here for people to comment on. I like a bit of the thing being reflected with the reflections dominent, I love that type of thing, but I have been burned with going outside of the box before, and I think I would be burned again. What do you all think on the above shots and the others I will add here?
ginger, i really like the first one, and the name is so appropriate.
on a technical note, how do you get the "poster" look? is that something you do in your processing, or is it a function of this site?
thanks for sharing your work, i really enjoy it.
my stuff
Among the first to this last, which one do "you" like best? Which one fits the challenge best, in your opinion? Putting those two factors together, which one do "you" like best for the challenge?
I agree with you, I love that name for a reflection shot, smile.
Others have asked me about that poster look. It is in the Scott Kelby book on CS2. Later I will try to put some of the instructions for it on a post processing forum here.
Thanks again,
I like the last shot the best.
The first shot (kiss) is very nice. I think a crop between the previous shot (tight crop) and this version would be better (IMO).
Also...I don't think all the text (poster work) does much for the shot. Just the simple white borders would be fine. If you feel the text is a must....then much much less text. Maybe just "Reflect" or "Reflection" ?? Oh well..enough of my .05 worth.
Good luck.
Ok...forgive me for messing with your image, Ginger. Just a quick change to see if it worked as a vertical?
"Osprey Whisperer"
"Osprey Whisperer"
Yeah, saturation, CMYK (that has seemed to help in the past), boosted the yellow in selective colors, selectively at the beaks, and in saturation, too, I think. Plus, boosted the white in the reflection only in selective colors. Now I have to look at them all.
I can't duplicate yours without the numbers, smile. I do like them, the way you did them, and I do like the vertical. I just thing a Kiss would be a more popular subject, and I kind of get a kick out of it. Artistically, I think the other one might be more "arty", and I like it as well.............
Well, I put this one up at the moment, I have time to change them. No more room at the inn for more photography til new hard drive comes.
I love the 2nd shot but I do feel the 1st is more in line with the challenge. Not only the reflection of the bird, but the refelction of the marsh grasses are neat. I like the framing on shots like this. I feel it gives it a finished look and that much thought was not only put into taking the shot but into the presentation. I'm not sure if this helps or hurts in a photo contest like ours, but I personally like it. I'm trying to learn more of PS and how to do this with my own pictures, so if you do post in the technical area how to do it, I will surely read it and give it a try.
** Feel free to edit my photos if you see room for improvement.**
Use what talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if
no birds sang there except those that sang best.
~Henry Van Dyke
I took a minute to Play with the cropping on the second Photo. I think that it is just right where you have it. The reflection in number one is better for the Contest but I really thought the second Photography belongs in a magizine.
great Work
the poster look is great, but for a challenge, I think the pic should attract attention on its own AND it does here ! the text maybe considered distracting..
In conclusion
Photo-a-day 2013
poster or no poster was something I was grappling with, so thanks.
I must have enough versions of this thing to paper a room with now.
Thanks for stopping looking and commenting. Every one brings me closer
to settling my decisions.
This is my latest. I coincidentally went back to softer colors.
I couldn't stand the cleopatra look of the eye in some of these.
So I did exactly what birdman said he did. And I used the contrast
adjustment. I never use that, but I did.
The bottom one in particular is intriguing - the reflected head seemingly turning into a tangled string - or was the bird swallowing a snake or some tangled waterweeds?
So, that said, I think your selection is right on target. Yet, if I know you as well as I think I do G, I bet I see a few more ideas before the challenge deadline.
Are you opening up a gallery yet?
your west coast friend.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
I did get a notice that my hard drive has shipped, so I will be able to take more photos and upload them probably on Monday or so. But I have so many right now of the all the Thanksgiving stuff.
I might see some reflections of other things, I hope. And there is some Christmas stuff I might like to see. And other stuff I don't like. I don't like parades, don't know how to photograph them............others do it so well. I might, don't know, but I might "attend to" some of that stuff.
But it is nice to hear from some people, including birdman, who like my arty shots. To me they are the true reflection shots. Though The Kiss seems to be a classic, it does not thrill me like the more arty ones. Problem being I have so many of those arty ones, many I have not worked up. I took a few first off, then while trying to get a good conventional shot and with the snowys, blues, tris and the Egret, while waiting I would look for a reflection and shoot another one, smile.
I do like that first one, not because of the reflection so much, I love the yellow legs! I love yellow legs, and feet. And I especially like it on this shot here as they are reflecting and refracting. The bird is in an area with calm clear water, and I can really see to the feet. Yellow feet, that is cool, imo.
And it is getting more attention. Funny, it was one of the first ones I took...
there were two days out there, and it was the first day. That is a classical composition for me and reflections. I learned it with trees. I like it with the birds better: maybe because of the yellow legs.:D
thanks again,
ginger (I have been posting one or another since the beginning, so I can change my post any time.)
Ginger, I am leaning towards #3 "in the most lovely way" as a favorite for reflections. I love the painterly effect and the composition.
"Photography is a medium of formidable contradictions. It is ridiculously easy and almost impossibly difficult." Edward Steichen
I did this yesterday, at the very end of the day/. It looks easy, but that is a very difficult place to photograph. Unless it goes dark it looks like water on a mirror, which it isn't.
ginger (just thought I would sit with this for awhile. Am going downtown this afternoon, maybe a window? It was a difficult choice yesterday, a big parade was downtown, but our church time interfered. We go to church rather late, smile. And I got an eagle, on nature thread, so I was gifted!)
(I just realized that photoshop could turn the lamps on.....slow aren't I):D
I cannot imagine changing my mind again, what do you all think?
I got the reflection in the window, the reflection from the lights in the rain
and the gathering dark. I don't know what other reflections I could get.
you're great G.
~Mother Teresa
Canon 1D Mark II / Canon 50D / Canon 30D / Canon G9
Canon 50mm 1.4
Canon 24-105 f/4 L IS / Canon 70-200 f/2.8 L
johno's gallery
Do you, does anyone, think it should be lighter?
Of all your photos, I think the last one of the sidewalk in the rain is actually the weakest. I think you do yourself a bit of a disservice with too many attempts at it and by getting too many opinions. You had it nailed at the start with the egret pics. They are stunning images and so beautifully presented. I'd like to see you do well, so I hope you'll go with one of your first two pics instead of the sidewalk scene. (I actually like your #2 shot the best with the bird's wings outstretched and I think it would do very well even tho' the other pic has a quote "better" reflection). Anyhow, that's my 2 cents worth, FWIW.
Best of Luck to You,
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
Actually, I did not take anyone's advice. I just thought there were too many birds entered.
I agree that I think my birds are good.
I will check out which one you are talking about.
Thanks again, Nee. Funny, I was thinking about you just today.
I am not that concerned about this challenge, I hope. I still hate to see so many birds entered by all of us birders. But I am concerned about that street reflection actually. And I do like that bird shot............. I sure worked hard enough for it, though it was a gorgeous day!
what the hey......
Since taking on the job of raising our kindergarten aged grandson, I haven't had much time to shoot pics or to participate online as much as I'd like to. I miss being a regular part of dgrin, but I still lurk whenver I can!
Thanks for thinking of me!
ps. I gotta hand it to you for bravery...I'm a little too insecure to post my photos and ask for opinions! I might get them and be discouraged,
If at first you don't succeed, destroy all the evidence that you tried~
I do like most of the ones picked and voted.
Usually, I feel so stupid because I picked the wrong one or didn't do good enough, or something. This time I feel just fine. I like my photo, maybe the reflection wasn't the best, but I was not up to finding more reflections.
And you two liked my photo!!!
Thanks so much!