Spring in Moscow with SONY-Minolta MF 135F28 [T4.5] STF lens
This lens has no focus confirmation. The only way to confirm focus automatically is to use SONY a99 camera having focus picking feature in electronic viewfinder. My camera is still SONY a850. :-)
Blossoming apple tree

Cherry Blossom


May on the move
Blossoming apple tree

Cherry Blossom


May on the move

My site: http://stphoto.smugmug.com
“The single most important component of a camera is the twelve inches behind it!” - Ansel Adams
In 2014 we all shall see some new photocameras from SONY. May be there would be no mirror anymore. Why do you need a mirror if you can send image from the sensor directly to electronic viewfinder and Live View?
Let us see...