I am not sure what you mean when you say"Wordpress" It looks like a SmugMug site?
Here is one thing that seems a little strange. When I click on the link provided I get a home page with a wide image window and the window has vertical and horizontal lines going over the image slideshow.
If I visit the gallery section and then return to the home page the image window is about half the size of the original window size and there are no lines.
I wasn't able to find a way back to your home page from your smug galleries page. I found it a bit disconcerting that the home link on your galleries page does not appear to be connected to the home page of your full site.
As above - plus all the photo galleries I looked at had settings that allowed people to steal your high res images. (Since you have a "buy" option on these galleries, I am assuming you do not want to give them away?)
You need to read Denise's treatise on protecting your photos: ORIGINALS = a gateway to free photos, & right click protection is NOT PROTECTION.
My opinion does not necessarily make it true. What you do with my opinion is entirely up to you. www.acecootephotography.com
I am not sure what you mean when you say"Wordpress" It looks like a SmugMug site?
Here is one thing that seems a little strange. When I click on the link provided I get a home page with a wide image window and the window has vertical and horizontal lines going over the image slideshow.
If I visit the gallery section and then return to the home page the image window is about half the size of the original window size and there are no lines.
I am viewing this on Firefox.
Sam, a Wordpress site is it's own website built by the consumer, you only pay for the wrapper once and the hosting fees... usually via hostgator....
I myself did a new Wordpress site, but the images I upload are minimal resolution and watermarked... my site for example is at Prismatic Imagery. There are a lot of plug in's and goodies in Wordpress, but it's not as easy as SM.....
I like the site overall, it's a good job - good luck
I wanted to take a look at your site, but it isn't working at all tonight. I'm getting a '500 internal server error'. Seems like a possible WP database issue?
Here is one thing that seems a little strange. When I click on the link provided I get a home page with a wide image window and the window has vertical and horizontal lines going over the image slideshow.
If I visit the gallery section and then return to the home page the image window is about half the size of the original window size and there are no lines.
I am viewing this on Firefox.
Very nice Josh! Is that a SmugMug site?
website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
--- Denise
Musings & ramblings at https://denisegoldberg.blogspot.com
You need to read Denise's treatise on protecting your photos:
ORIGINALS = a gateway to free photos, & right click protection is NOT PROTECTION.
Sam, a Wordpress site is it's own website built by the consumer, you only pay for the wrapper once and the hosting fees... usually via hostgator....
I myself did a new Wordpress site, but the images I upload are minimal resolution and watermarked... my site for example is at Prismatic Imagery. There are a lot of plug in's and goodies in Wordpress, but it's not as easy as SM.....
I like the site overall, it's a good job - good luck