Google and Keywords
If I google for my name my site comes up. But if I google for my keywords I can't seem to get my site to show up.
Is there anything I can do to help this? For example, I have a couple hundred photo's with the keyword (and caption) of gjestvang (bride's name) I would have thought that would have shown up since it isn't a common name.
Is there anything I can do to help this? For example, I have a couple hundred photo's with the keyword (and caption) of gjestvang (bride's name) I would have thought that would have shown up since it isn't a common name.
Check to make sure all of your words are active.
I used adwords a while back and did not like it. I found I was getting more hits from keyword searches that were not relevant to my website ex. (photography) put ANYTHING :uhoh in front of that and they were going there.... Hope this helps.
I actually registered with google, and it makes a difference!
My Galleries My Photography BLOG
Ramblings About Me
My site is
I registered as well. But i have it configured so this site just immediately forwards to
On smugmug, this site is known as
I get these results from Google:
No results what-so-ever :uhoh
One result. I registered both streetsofboston and streets-of-boston at the same time, but i never posted the link or text "" anywhere (here is the first time) on the net.... strange...
pictures streets of boston
Plenty of results to my smugmug site (not on the 1st page, but starts on 3rd). Happy with that!
I recently registered these two domain-names. So, that means that google has not yet had a proper chance to index it all. But why is streets-of-boston known by google, but not streetsofboston? Could my site be banned (because google thinks that streetsofboston is a copy of the old flyingdutchie.smugmug)?
Question to our smugmug develops (JT, onethumb):
When people browse smugmug ( --> browse) and find my site, they'll be directed to Is it possible to direct visitor to the domain name of smugmug-users instead (i.e.
When I hear the earth will melt into the sun,
in two billion years,
all I can think is:
"Will that be on a Monday?"
Inbound links mean a lot. I tried to get a cooperative blog thing going but nobody was interested (still looking by the way). I have nearly 600 words or combinations of words that get my page ( and "above the fold" on google. The vast majority of them are keywords. My site is linked from quite a few sites (not the least of which is the smugmug homepage by the way). My site is on all my dgrin posts, it's on my old blog that has tons of links to it, it's on my new blog, it's on other forums, it's on, it's everywhere.
Get out there and do things and link back to your site. Google will start to notice I promise you.