Welcome To Mini-Challenge #165: Textures, Patterns, and Abstracts



  • kentwallerkentwaller Registered Users Posts: 158 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    grandmaR wrote: »

    Of the ones posted since anyone last commented

    LOVE kentwaller's autumn vineyard pattern. I can see that as fabric in a dress with swaths of fabric diagonal across the bodice. The tower photo is really nice too but I'm probably too dense to see which category it belongs in.

    My favorite of Alan's is the tree rings one, although all of his are very textury (to coin a word) but I love how saturated the tree rings are.

    The smoke rings and the jelly ones are nice abstract art.

    Took me a minute to figure out 'friends' from the title. That's a really cool photo.

    I think of the lilac as more of a pattern than a texture. I love lilacs, and would have had them as flowers at my wedding except it was the wrong time of year. I also like the glacier. The blue ice is so interesting - you might think it wasn't really that color, but it absolutely is!!!

    thanks grandmaR! i went back and put categories by my pics, I forgot to do that.
  • superduckzsuperduckz Registered Users Posts: 377 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013


    Accidents and Inspiration
    One of these days I'll have to figure out what my "style" is..
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    Thank you Eric and Superduckz for your entries.

    Eric - love the texture of the lilacs - very nice. Great job with post-processing as well.

    Superduckz - The little lone flower struggling to thrive (and succeeding) among the rocks is a fascinating subtext for the texture of the rocks. Good eye!
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • richterslrichtersl Registered Users Posts: 3,322 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    There are some SERIOUSLY fine images in this mini! :smo
    Good luck judging them, Scott. mwink.gif
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    I know Linda - it's going to be even tougher than I thought. It sure is a pleasure though, seeing all these amazing images!
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • ShootingStarShootingStar Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    There are already some amazing photos. Hard to compete.
    Interesting theme. Made me look back at all my pictures with different eyes. And realised I did not have many that could fit...

    1. Texture - the red centre


    2. Texture - and maybe smell :D


    3. Pattern - arches within arches


    Nature can be so different around the world but it is always amazing!

    Travel Blog English: http://www.zigzagonearth.com
    Travel Blog French: http://zigzagvoyages.fr
    Infoproduct Creation Blog : https://structurinfo.com
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    I love them all Claire! Thank you for entering. The middle one with the seaweed makes me homesick for Downeast Maine - I'll be there in two weeks, and it can't come soon enough.

    Also, the "Arches Within Arches" image is a splendid take on the pattern theme.
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • ShootingStarShootingStar Registered Users Posts: 145 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    I love them all Claire! Thank you for entering. The middle one with the seaweed makes me homesick for Downeast Maine - I'll be there in two weeks, and it can't come soon enough.

    Also, the "Arches Within Arches" image is a splendid take on the pattern theme.

    Thanks Scott.
    Wow, you are quick to comment!
    This seaweed in from Tasmania but probably hard to tell the difference :D
    I understand your feeling, I love expatriation (before Australia, now Germany and maybe Singapore in a few months if I get the job) but coming back to what you call your hometown is such a great feeling. Only 2 weeks left, it will come quickly!
    Nature can be so different around the world but it is always amazing!

    Travel Blog English: http://www.zigzagonearth.com
    Travel Blog French: http://zigzagvoyages.fr
    Infoproduct Creation Blog : https://structurinfo.com
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    All three ouch oh oh and uhh
    Jeff W


  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    texture or maybe a little pattern
    Jeff W


  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    Amazing shot Jeff! You're right about it being all three too.
    (Love your avatar btw)

    Thank you for entering.
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    shh - a granny fish A silver harry heron more texture than pattern
    Jeff W


  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 24, 2013
    Very good Jeff. Nice detail in both of those.
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • EaracheEarache Registered Users Posts: 3,533 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2013
    Thanks for the comment Scott - cheers, and good luck judging!
    Eric ~ Smugmug
  • TonyCooperTonyCooper Registered Users Posts: 2,276 Major grins
    edited May 26, 2013




    Tony Cooper - Orlando, Florida
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 26, 2013
    Great shots Tony, and thank you for entering. I love the nearly touchable texture of the third one.
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited May 28, 2013
    Only 4 Days Left To Enter Mini-Challenge #165!
    Only 4 Days Left To Enter Mini-Challenge #165 - "Textures, Patterns, and Abstracts"

    We have seen some amazing images thus far - 51 entries so far. There's still time!

    The challenge closes on Friday night at midnight.
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • jwearjwear Registered Users Posts: 8,014 Major grins
    edited May 28, 2013
    Very good Jeff. Nice detail in both of those.

    Thanks well run thumb.gif
    Jeff W


  • travelwaystravelways Registered Users Posts: 7,854 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2013
    What a fantastic collection of patterns, textures and abstracts!

    Here is my contribution (Click to see a larger version):

    1. Ladybug (patterns, textures)


    2. Ceiling (pattern, textures, abstract)

    3. Lady's apparel, Guatemala (patterns, textures)

    Lady's apparel, guatemala
    Tatiana - Seeing the world through my camera
    TravelwaysPhotos.com ...... Facebook
  • DsrtVWDsrtVW Registered Users Posts: 1,991 Major grins
    edited May 31, 2013
    Petaluma's Adobe Hide room

    Storage tank decay

    Chris K. NANPA Member
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited June 1, 2013
    Tatiana and Chris - thank you for you amazing entries!

    This is going to be a very tough decision!
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
  • ThirdDayImagingThirdDayImaging Registered Users Posts: 95 Big grins
    edited June 1, 2013
    Mini-Challenge #165 Now Closed
    The contest is now closed - we will no longer be accepting entries.

    I would like to personally thank you all for your well composed, creative, and beautiful entries. It will take me most of the weekend to decide on a winner - there were 50+ images submitted!

    Look for a post sometime during the day on Monday (6/3) with the winner and runners-up announced.

    Thanks again for such a high level of participation. Although the final decision will be very difficult, it has a been a joy perusing through all of your images. Not a bad one in the mix!
    Happy Shooting, Scott
    website: www.ThirdDayImaging.com
    Bodies: Panasonic Lumix GF3 and G5
    Lenses: Leica/Lumix Summilux 25mm f1.4, Leica Summicron 50mm f2 (dual range), Leica Summicron 90mm f2, Leica Elmar 135mm f4, Lumix 12-42mm f3.5-f5
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