Dawn Magic Pa Wild Turkeys

When ya hit a certain age little if anything causes your heart to skip a beat but this is something that always does it for me.
It all begins with a still morning and as the sun makes its first soft appearance on the horizon the stillness is broken by a thunderous gobble rolling across the hollow below. Anticipation kicks in I remain frozen in place hoping the bird will not hear my heart beating loudly in my chest.
Suddenly a spot of soft sunlight filters through the trees to the forest floor and where there was only emptiness a moment ago he steps forward and the ancient mating ritual begins for another spring.
I hope you enjoy viewing these photos as much as I did taking them.

It all begins with a still morning and as the sun makes its first soft appearance on the horizon the stillness is broken by a thunderous gobble rolling across the hollow below. Anticipation kicks in I remain frozen in place hoping the bird will not hear my heart beating loudly in my chest.
Suddenly a spot of soft sunlight filters through the trees to the forest floor and where there was only emptiness a moment ago he steps forward and the ancient mating ritual begins for another spring.
I hope you enjoy viewing these photos as much as I did taking them.