2013 CrossFit Games - NorCal Regionals

jm94085jm94085 Registered Users Posts: 122 Major grins
edited June 5, 2013 in Sports
A few of my favorite shots from last weekend...C&C welcome and appreciated.











Entire gallery here: http://www.mccauley-photo.com/Sports/2013-CrossFit-Games-NorCal/29650619_cCpTpg


  • jheftijhefti Registered Users Posts: 734 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2013
    Better living through chemistry....nice shots though!
  • jm94085jm94085 Registered Users Posts: 122 Major grins
    edited May 29, 2013
    jhefti... that is such an unfortunate, uninformed, unproductive and ignorant comment!

    I'm not advocating that 100% are clean... as with any populous there are some looking for an edge and to cheat the system. However they are typically caught as the Crossfi Games employs the strictest drug testing found anywhere, rivaling even the Olympics.

    So, if by " chemistry" you mean being genetically gifted and eating an extremely clean diet... then you are correct!!
  • jheftijhefti Registered Users Posts: 734 Major grins
    edited June 1, 2013
    jm94085 wrote: »
    jhefti... that is such an unfortunate, uninformed, unproductive and ignorant comment!

    I'm not advocating that 100% are clean... as with any populous there are some looking for an edge and to cheat the system. However they are typically caught as the Crossfi Games employs the strictest drug testing found anywhere, rivaling even the Olympics.

    ...and so does cycling, just ask LA...sorry, as a medical doctor ( and former national team athlete for several years in my youth) I recognize the phenotype...It's a rather simple matter to evade tests for drugs that would induce this body type.
  • jm94085jm94085 Registered Users Posts: 122 Major grins
    edited June 2, 2013
    Curious, what is "this body type" that you refer to?

    Boy oh boy...according to your logic, PED users exhibit X, Y, Z...etc. traits; and while not ALL PED users exhibit some or all of these traits (according to you) anyone that does exhibit these traits must in fact be a PED user. Must suck to live in your pessimistic narrow view of world.

    Again I'm not endorsing or defending 100% of these individuals...quite simply, I'm a 43yo that clocks in at a whopping buck fifty myself, but have spent enough time around many top CrossFit competitors over the past 4 years and have never seen any dramatic changes in their physiques or performance that would indicate anything other than the following (1) they're genetically gifted and (2) they absolutely work their assess off!!
  • jheftijhefti Registered Users Posts: 734 Major grins
    edited June 2, 2013
    jm94085 wrote: »
    Curious, what is "this body type" that you refer to?

    Boy oh boy...according to your logic, PED users exhibit X, Y, Z...etc. traits; and while not ALL PED users exhibit some or all of these traits (according to you) anyone that does exhibit these traits must in fact be a PED user. Must suck to live in your pessimistic narrow view of world.

    Again I'm not endorsing or defending 100% of these individuals...quite simply, I'm a 43yo that clocks in at a whopping buck fifty myself, but have spent enough time around many top CrossFit competitors over the past 4 years and have never seen any dramatic changes in their physiques or performance that would indicate anything other than the following (1) they're genetically gifted and (2) they absolutely work their assess off!!

    Actually, most PEDs don't produce any outward physical characteristics that are easy to spot. These include any of the class of stimulants that provide energy and focus, and are the most commonly used PEDs.

    However, steroids--especially AAS, whose sole purpose is to provide more bulk, strength and masculine characteristics--do cause very recognizable physical manifestations. The most common of these are excess bulk that is not evenly distributed (unless of course like bodybuilders the athlete works to achieve even distribution), and of course masculine characteristics on females. Additionally, skin changes are a good clue. A number of athletes you photographed show these characteristics. Of course, this COULD be a combination a very special physical gifts and hard work. But having had the pleasure of being surrounded by any number of elite athletes, many of whom medaled in the Olympics and other international competitions, I have never ever seen the kinds of bodies that now routinely show up at high level competitions.

    It's important to keep in mind that PED testing, especially AAS use, is not particularly effective. Orally administered steroids clear the system very quickly, and by 'cycling' it is rather easy to evade detection. In addition, in order to detect the presence of a PED one has to know a priori what it looks like chemically. Small modifications can effectively make the PED totally invisible, and the PED-using component of the sports world uses frequent modifications to play this cat-and-mouse game. I know this well because a technology I developed a few years ago to develop new therapeutic drugs ended up being used as one part of laboratory screening for PEDs.

    There are some amazing athletes out there; it's a shame that money and fame so often corrupt sports. But I guess I shouldn't complain, as a number of my photos that get picked up by the media are of PED-using athletes.
  • PhotogbikerPhotogbiker Registered Users Posts: 351 Major grins
    edited June 2, 2013
    ...and now back to our story. Nice pics overall and looks like a good event for some emotion and expressions. Only c&c I would suggest is get closer. If you want full body, then include full body without cut off hands or legs. But if cropped, go way in and get the face or just a portion of body that shows the muscles working. Nice work, hope to see more.
  • johngjohng Registered Users Posts: 1,658 Major grins
    edited June 3, 2013
    OK - on the pics: the biggest issue with the series is a lot of unnecessary dead space that adds nothing to the photos. Shot #1 is a great example: the crowd really doesn't add anything to the shot - it's not like it's 110,000 people or visually stimulating like people waving things behind a backboard at a basketball game. The framing in many cases needs to be a lot tighter. Take #4 - a tight shot would highlight the muscle tone and facial expression. Same with #8. Shots 2 & 6 have the subject so small in the frame you get no detail - the other elements in the frame just don't add enough in my opinion to warrant such loose framing.
    So, if you're going to shoot another event I suggest some tighter framing to bring out the details in the muscle tone and facial expressions.
  • jm94085jm94085 Registered Users Posts: 122 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2013
    Thanks Photogbiker and johng - yeah I could have (should have) cropped tighter but no luck physically getting closer :-( Was working with a 70-200L 2.8 with a 1.4x TC leaving my max zoom between 200-280mm depending on weather I was using the TC at the time or not.
  • johngjohng Registered Users Posts: 1,658 Major grins
    edited June 5, 2013
    Yes, one of the tough things moving from "spectator" to "photographer" is shooting position. Which often means if you want to make quality sports photos you can't always photograph what you want. It's always fine to take snapshots for your own enjoyment - but from a photography only perspective, shooting position is an important aspect of getting quality sports shots.
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