Online street and documentary photography class

Now you have an opportunity to take a slightly modified version of the course I have been teaching for a dozen years at MIT (and for this past semester, my MIT students gave me a 6.7 rating, and the course a 6.5, on a scale of 1-7) - for far less money than MIT students pay, and in the comfort of your own home. Participants will attend class - online - one evening per week for 10 weeks, with classes varying between 1 and 2.5 hours each, depending upon the material being covered. The first week will include a brief introduction to the rich traditions of street and documentary photography, and every week after that students will have photo assignments - some simple, some complex, and we will review your photos and critique them the following week. Additionally, each student will pick a subject for a documentary project, and will complete the project over the course of the 'term.' Finally, each student will select a photographer from the book Magnum Contact Sheets, and will give a 12-15 minute presentation on that photographer.

The class will be taught using software that will allow all the students to see my computer desktop, and images, but we will not be seeing each other - so you can come to class in your pjs if you wish:rofl. I will give out a conference phone number, and you will all be on the phone, and we will be able to talk with each other that way.
The cost for the course is $799, payable by paypal or check prior to the start of the first class.
If you think you may be interested, contact me by email @

The class will be taught using software that will allow all the students to see my computer desktop, and images, but we will not be seeing each other - so you can come to class in your pjs if you wish:rofl. I will give out a conference phone number, and you will all be on the phone, and we will be able to talk with each other that way.
The cost for the course is $799, payable by paypal or check prior to the start of the first class.
If you think you may be interested, contact me by email @
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed
"He not busy being born is busy dying." Bob Dylan
"The more ambiguous the photograph is, the better it is..." Leonard Freed