Little Bird Season (and ID request)
Little bird season is in full swing here, bringing a whole different set of rusty skills into play. Some of these little creatures are so incredibly fast!
Many thanks for looking!
Warbling Vireo (I think...any other opinions?)

Blue Grey Gnatcatcher

Gnatcatcher babies in their beautiful lichen decorated nest

Barn Swallow (who I was lucky to catch on the ground for a brief rest)

Female Tree Swallow pulling up dried grasses for her nest
Many thanks for looking!
Warbling Vireo (I think...any other opinions?)

Blue Grey Gnatcatcher

Gnatcatcher babies in their beautiful lichen decorated nest

Barn Swallow (who I was lucky to catch on the ground for a brief rest)

Female Tree Swallow pulling up dried grasses for her nest

Well, they're not ... but it depends what you're after / trying to achieve, imo.
3,4,5 are similar to (the type of) shots that I take to show mrs pp something that I think she'll be interested in, because it's something neither of us has seen before ... or for some other similar reason. Unless they depict something very unusual, they get dumped fairly soon afterwards.
1 and 2 are competely different - but both would benefit from some eye contact with the viewer and maybe a tad of adjustment re composition / cropping.
I know (only too well) that subjects rarely co-operate and provide 'the shot' we're after, by thoughtfully turning their head towards us at just the right moment, making sure there's a catchlight too ... but we can live in hope
I think the bg in both shots is fine, without there being any particularly distracting elements / patterns etc
My choice (fwiw) would be 2 ... this is better than many pics I've seen on postcards / calenders.
I was looking on the Veolia site for something I saw a couple of yrs ago, re 'tips' ... but failed ... it suggested that if all your proposed entry depicted / showed was a means to identiy the particular species (say a pic in bird ID book) ... then go away and have another go.
I did wonder if some of the info in the 2 'related links' sections might be of interest, tho?
All - as usual, imvpo ... but at least you've now had the same No of replies as I got for my last post
btw ... if you watch the video on one of the pages - which I wasn't aware of at the time ... I've been thro a similar procedure (twice now) as the 'poppy field' guy ... with a wildflower meadow @ my local venue ... not easy.
Not my usual gig, but interesting, neverless.
ps ... if it's any comfort, I don't particuarly agree with all of the comments / choices etc expressed on the linked pages either
Best, Pam
Thanks for your kind and thoughtful replies! I think you're right, Pam. We are missing Harry. Maybe if we all make an effort to be more responsive to posters, we can revive things? I'll certainly give it a try...
Best wishes,
Dennis Kaczor Photography