Medium Format Austin Texas Series

I started a 120mm film project that show cases the more well known Austin Texas sites. These were all taken with my Rolleicord IV using Ilford 100ISO and Ilford 50ISO film. There are quite a few other places I still have to visit but just felt like sharing what I have so far

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr

Untitled by Shutter_Inc., on Flickr
My Photography:
Love the Classic film look and of Course all the wonderful
Austin area landmarks. It might be nice to Title them so
others that aren't from around this area will know what they
are, so when they come to Visit they'll know what to see !!!
Look forward to seeing the rest of your Project, love all of them
that you've presented.
Burleson, Texas