My first media job!
Heeey, I hope this is the right forum for this?
I volunteer photography for a local LGBT nonprofit. When this year's PrideFest came up, a small paper asked me to document the event for them! It paid a decent amount and I got a media pass (which was awesome!) so I could get in free, avoid security, go backstage and talk with the performers, etc. All for work that I would have been doing for free anyways!
Well the paper finally came out, and they used my photos in a 4 page spread (out of about 28 pages of content). And my facebook just blew up when the photos came out! It's been so much fun! Here's the spread:

I also got to talk to all kinds of people and hear their stories. One couple had an autistic kid whom they hardly had any pictures of him smiling due to his condition. I was able to get a beautiful full-frame shot of the kid and a family portrait, with him smiling in both. I showed them and promised to send it, and it really seemed to make their day.
Sooo yeah, I just wanted to share my story of excitement! Also if you guys have any criticism on the photos I am open to that too.
I volunteer photography for a local LGBT nonprofit. When this year's PrideFest came up, a small paper asked me to document the event for them! It paid a decent amount and I got a media pass (which was awesome!) so I could get in free, avoid security, go backstage and talk with the performers, etc. All for work that I would have been doing for free anyways!
Well the paper finally came out, and they used my photos in a 4 page spread (out of about 28 pages of content). And my facebook just blew up when the photos came out! It's been so much fun! Here's the spread:

I also got to talk to all kinds of people and hear their stories. One couple had an autistic kid whom they hardly had any pictures of him smiling due to his condition. I was able to get a beautiful full-frame shot of the kid and a family portrait, with him smiling in both. I showed them and promised to send it, and it really seemed to make their day.
Sooo yeah, I just wanted to share my story of excitement! Also if you guys have any criticism on the photos I am open to that too.

The publication layout looks great also!
1. Backstage at the dance pavilion
2. Hanging out at the Pride parade
3. A "drag king" show
4. The staff @ our nonprofit